Izložba “Lavirint 90-ih” u Beogradu

Izložba „Lavirint 90-ih“ bit će otvorena od 15. 6. do 14. 7. 2023. u Prostoru Miljenko Dereta u Beogradu.

Pilot-izložba Lavirint 90-ih predstavlja prvi korak dugoročne inicijative osnivanja regionalnog centra za pomirenje, obrazovanje i buduću saradnju „Muzej 90-ih“. Izložba ima za cilj pokretanje novog procesa sagledavanja decenije koja je promenila tokove života miliona ljudi na ovim prostorima (ali i globalno) i čije posledice osećamo i danas, možda više nego ikad. Ona je plod dvogodišnje istraživanja, rada i saradnje pojedinaca, stručnjaka, aktivista i partnerskih organizacija iz zemalja bivše Jugoslavije.

Nijedna izložba ne može u potpunosti da prikaže jednu deceniju u istoriji čovečanstva, a posebno devedesete godine, koje su u našem regionu ostavile neizbrisiv, dugotrajan trag. To nam nije ni namera i zato je princip ove izložbe fragment. Postavka pred posetioca postavlja pitanje da li smo, kao pojedinci, ali pre svega i kao društvo, tj. društva, uopšte izašli iz lavirinta u koji smo upali početkom 90-ih.

Ulazak u lavirint i slobodno lutanje njime je predlog posetiocima da devedesete sagledaju iz više uglova, a pre svega iz ugla ljudi kojima je život razrušen u jednom danu, onih koji su bili protiv rata, koji su morali da napuste svoj dom i koji su bili okruženi obmanama sa svih strana. Pozivamo posetioce da za vreme posete u svojim mislima dopune devedesete onim što nedostaje, što bi trebalo biti prikazano i što se tek treba razumeti. Samo zajednički možemo, gledajući u nedavnu prošlost, spoznati vlastitu sadašnjost i zamisliti drugačiju budućnost.

Autori izložbe: Dubravka Stojanović, Igor Štiks i Dejan Ubović Saradnice: Sanja Radović i Ana Radaković
Dizajn izložbe: Dražen Grubišić i Željka Zrnić
Produkcija: Jasmina Petković
Grafički dizajn: Marko Prokić
Grafiti: Ljudmila Stratimirović

Izložbu su podržali National Endowment for Democracy, Ambasada Švajcarske u Srbiji, European Fund for the Balkans, EU za tebe i Ambasada Švedske u Srbiji.

Izložba će trajati od 15. juna do 14. jula, od 14 do 20 časova.

Cena ulaznica: 400 dinara
Za studente i penzionere: 200 dinara
Za sve ispod 18 godina: besplatno

Kupovinom ulaznice pruža se podrška osnivanju “Muzeja devedesetih”.

A pilot exhibition titled “The Labyrinth of the Nineties” is a first step towards the establishment of the “Museum of the Nineties” as a regional center for reconciliation, education, and future cooperation The exhibition aims to encourage a fresh look at the decade that transformed the lives of millions of people in this region (and globally) and whose repercussions we feel today, perhaps more than ever. It is the result of two years of research, collaboration, and joint work of individuals, experts, activists, and partner organizations from across the former Yugoslav region.

No exhibition can fully encapsulate a decade in human history. It is certainly the case with the 1990s, which left a lasting impact on our region. This pilot exhibition is conceived as a cluster of fragments without a predetermined plan or instructions. The question is whether as individuals and as societies we have come out of the labyrinth into which we fell in the early 1990s.

We invite visitors to wander freely through this labyrinth, and to look at this period from several perspectives, particularly from the perspective of those people whose lives were destroyed in a single day, those who were against the war, those who had to flee their homes, and those who were deceived by all sides.We encourage visitors to complement this exhibition in their minds with what they believe is missing, what should be displayed, and what we must yet come to terms with. Only by collectively reflecting on the recent past can we gain a deeper understanding of our present and envision a different future.

Authors: Dubravka Stojanović, Igor Štiks and Dejan Ubović
Collaborators: Sanja Radović and Ana Radaković
Design: Dražen Grubišić and Željka Zrnić
Production: Jasmina Petković
Graphic design: Marko Prokić
Graffiti: Ljudmila Stratimirović

The exhibition has been supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, the Embassy of Switzerland in Serbia, the European Fund for the Balkans, the Embassy of Sweden in Serbia, and the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia.

The exhibition will last from June 15 to July 14, from 2 pm to 8 pm.

Ticket price: 400 dinars
For students and pensioners: 200 dinars
For everyone under 18: free

The purchase of a ticket supports the establishment of the “Museum of the Nineties”.

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