Perry Anderson, „Disputing Disaster: A Sextet on the Great War“

A group portrait of six of the finest historians of the First World War In Disputing Disaster, Perry Anderson picks out from the highly charged historiography on the First World War one leading historian from each of the major powers that survived the conflagration: Fritz Fischer, famous historian of German war guilt; Pierre Renouvin, a disabled serviceman and preeminent authority on the conflict in France; Luigi Albertini, the Italian newspaper tycoon who, unique among scholars of the Great War, played a part in pitching his country into it; Paul W. Read more

„Dolazimo u miru: Rad sa ratnim veteranima na izgradnji mira“

Centar za nenasilnu akciju, uredi iz Sarajeva i Beograda, objavili su knjigu Dolazimo u miru: Rad sa ratnim veteranima na izgradnji mira (uredile Ivana Franović, Davorka Turk i Martina Fischer). Kako su naveli na svojoj stranici, „Knjiga se sastoji iz dvije cjeline: jedna se fokusira na potencijal ratnih veterana za izgradnju mira i iskustva koja smo sakupili, druga govori o ljudima koji čine taj rad mogućim. Read more
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