CfP: The role of religious minorities in the redefinition of ‘imagined communities’: The case of Judaism and Protestantism in France, Ireland and Italy, from the French Revolution to the creation of the State of Israel

This international and bilingual symposium aims to explore the role of religious minorities, their visibility, their representation and their perception, both internally and externally, in nation building. Read more

Poziv za prijavu: Međunarodna interdisciplinarna znanstvena konferencija povodom 80. obljetnice završetka Drugoga svjetskog rata u Europi „Kultura i pamćenje – rat i mir“

Sveučilište „Adam Mickiewicz“ u PoznanjuFakultet za poljsku i klasičnu filologijuInstitut za slavensku filologiju Sveučilište u Sarajevu – Filozofski fakultetOdsjek za književnosti naroda Bosne i Hercegovine Međunarodna interdisciplinarna znanstvena konferencijapovodom 80. Read more
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