Zbirka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu – najvažnija zbirka teorijsko-metodološke literature u Hrvatskoj

Jeste li znali da Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu sadrži najvažniju zbirku teorijsko-metodološke literature iz povijesne znanosti u Hrvatskoj? Povodom 135. godišnjice Zbirke za povijest obilježene 2021. godine donosimo izabrani popis najnovije međunarodne teorijsko-metodološke literature koja je prikupljena samo u zadnjih pet godina uz pomoć više različitih projekata, doktorskih studija, Odsjeka za povijest, Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i privatnih donacija. To je ujedno poziv svima zainteresiranima na njezino korištenje. Više informacija na https://knjiznica.ffzg.unizg.hr/   

1. Opća historiografska pitanja i novi pristupi u suvremenoj historiografiji

John Tosh, Why history matters, 2008.

Lynn Hunt, History: why it matters, 2018.

Herman Paul (ur.), How to be a historian: Scholarly personae in historical studies, 1800–2000, 2019.

Stefan Berger (ur.), The Engaged Historian: Perspectives on the Intersections of Politics, Activism and the Historical Profession, 2019.

Alun Munslow, The Aesthetics of History, 2020.

Marek Tamm, Peter Burke (ur.), Debating new approaches to history, 2019.

Sasha Handley, Rohan McWilliam, Lucy Noakes (ur.), New directions in social and cultural history, 2018.

Neville Morley, Theories, models and concepts in ancient history, 2004.

Peter Claus, John Marriott, History: An Introduction to Theory, Method, and Practice, 2017.

Sarah Maza, Thinking about History, 2017. 

Lynn Hunt, Writing History in the Global Era, 2014.

Nancy Partner, Sarah Foot (ur.), The SAGE handbook of historical theory, 2013.

Gisele Sapiro, Marco Santoro, Patrick Baert (ur.), Ideas on the Move in the Social Sciences and Humanities: The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theorists, 2020.

Sebastian Haumann, Martin Knoll, Detlev Mares (ur.), Concepts of urban-environmental history, 2020.

Dino Mujadžević (ur.), Digital Historical Research on Southeast Europe and the Ottoman Space, 2021.

Stefan Berger, Bill Niven (ur.), Writing the History of Memory, 2014.

Oto Luthar (ur.), Of red dragons and evil spirits: post-Communist historiography between democratization and new politics of history, 2017.

Georg G. Iggers, Istorijska nauka u 20. veku: kritički pregled u međunarodnom kontekstu, 2017.

Georg G. Iggers, Od istorizma do postmodernizma: izabrani istoriografski ogledi, 2019.

2. Intelektualna povijest i intelektualne biografije povjesničara

Darrin M. McMahon, Samuel Moyn (ur.), Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History, 2014.

Samuel Moyn, Andrew Sartori (ur.), Global Intellectual History, 2015.

Richard Whatmore, Brian Young (ur.), A Companion to Intellectual History, 2016.

Richard Whatmore, What is Intellectual History?, 2017.

Carl Boggs, Intellectuals and the Crisis of Modernity, 1993.

A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume I: Negotiating Modernity in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’, 2016. (naručeno)

A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the ‘Short Twentieth Century’ and Beyond, Part I: 1918-1968; Part II: 1968-2018, 2018. (naručeno)

Mihael Antolović, Istoriografija i politika: intelektualna biografija Fridriha Majnekea (1862-1954), 2017.

Dorothy Thompson (ur.), The essential E.P. Thompson, 2001.

Richard J. Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: a life in history, 2019.

3. Povijest emocija

William M. Reddy, The navigation of feeling: a framework for the history of emotions, 2001.

Barbara H. Rosenwein, Emotional communities in the early Middle Ages, 2006.

Jan Plamper, The history of emotions: an introduction, 2015.

Rob Boddice, The history of emotions, 2018.

Barbara Rosenwein, Riccardo Cristiani, Šta je istorija emocija?, 2019.

4. Javna povijest

Jerome de Groot, Consuming History: Historians and Heritage in Contemporary Popular Culture, 2009.

Barbara Korte, Sylvia Paletschek (ur.), History Goes Pop. Zur Repräsentation von Geschichte in populären Medien und Genres, 2009.

Paul Ashton, Hilda Kean (ur.), Public history and heritage today: people and their pasts, 2012.

Hilda Kean, Paul Martin (ur.), The public history reader, 2013.

Thomas Cauvin, Public history: a textbook of practice, 2016.

James B. Gardner, Paula Hamilton (ur.), The Oxford Handbook of Public History, 2017.

David M. Dean (ur.), A Companion to Public History, 2018.

Paul Ashton, Alex Trapeznik (ur.), What Is Public History Globally?: Working with the Past in the Present, 2019.

5. Didaktika povijesti i nastava povijesti

Peter N. Stearns, Peter Seixas, Sam Wineburg (ur.), Knowing, teaching and learning history: National and International Perspectives, 2000.

Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and other unnatural acts: Charting the future of teaching the past, 2001.

Peter Seixas, Tom Morton, The big six: historical thinking concepts, 2013.

Mario Carretero, Stefan Berger, Maria Grever (ur.), Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education, 2017.

Kadriye Ercikan, Peter Seixas (ur.), New directions in assessing historical thinking, 2015.

Sam Wineburg, Why learn history (when it’s already on your phone), 2018.

Jeremiah McCall, Gaming the past: using video games to teach secondary history, 2011.

6. Novi pristupi povijesti revolucija

Arno J. Mayer, The furies: violence and terror in the French and Russian revolutions, 2002.

Alan Forrest, Matthias Middell (ur.), The Routledge Companion to the French Revolution in World History, 2018.

Jean-Numa Ducange, The French Revolution and social democracy: the transmission of history and its political uses in Germany and Austria, 1889-1934, 2019.

Melissa K. Stockdale (ur.), Readings on the Russian Revolution: Debates, Aspirations, Outcomes, 2020.

7. Komparativna, transnacionalna i globalna povijest

Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Jürgen Kocka (ur.), Comparative and transnational history: Central European approaches and new perspectives, 2009.

Balázs Trencsényi, Constantin Iordachi, Péter Apor (ur.), The Rise of Comparative History, 2021. (naručeno)

Matthias Middell, Lluís Roura i Aulinas (ur.), Transnational Challenges to National History Writing, 2013.

Pierre-Yves Saunier, Transnational History, 2013.

Fiona Paisley, Pamela Scully, Writing Transnational History, 2019.

Jürgen Osterhammel, The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the Nineteenth Century, 2014.

Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?, 2017.

Sven Beckert, Dominic Sachsenmaier (ur.), Global History, Globally: Research and Practice around the World, 2018. (naručeno)

Matthias Middell (ur.), The Practice of Global History: European Perspectives, 2019. (naručeno)

8. Nacije i nacionalizmi, historiografija i nacionalizam

Stuart Macintyre, Anna Clark, The History Wars, 2003.

Mario Carretero, Mikel Asensio, Maria Rodriguez-Moneo (ur.), History education and the construction of national identities, 2012.

Christopher L. Hill, National history and the world of nations: capital, state, and the rhetoric of history in Japan, France, and the United States, 2008.

George L Mosse, The Nationalization of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany From Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich, 1994.

Caspar Hirschi, The Origins of Nationalism: An Alternative History from Ancient Rome to Early Modern Germany, 2012. 

Augusta Dimou, Entangled Paths Towards Modernity: Contextualizing socialism and nationalism in the Balkans, 2009.

Jan Palmowski, Inventing a Socialist Nation: Heimat and the Politics of Everyday Life in the GDR, 1945-1990, 2009. (naručeno)

Katherine Verdery, National Ideology under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu’s Romania, 1991. (naručeno)

Pieter Troch, Nationalism and Yugoslavia: education, Yugoslavism and the Balkans before World War II, 2015.

Amir Duranović (ur.), Ogledi o historiografiji i nacionalizmu u jugoistočnoj Evropi, 2019.

Vedran Duančić, Geography and Nationalist Visions of Interwar Yugoslavia, 2020.

Stefan Berger, Thomas Fetzer (ur.), Nationalism and the Economy: Explorations into a Neglected Relationship, 2019. (naručeno)

Stefan Berger, Alexei Miller (ur.), Nationalizing empires, 2015.

John Connelly, From Peoples into Nations, 2020. (naručeno)

Tara Zahra, Kidnapped Souls: National Indifference and the Battle for Children in the Bohemian Lands, 1900–1948, 2011. (naručeno)

Maarten van Ginderachter, Jon Fox (ur.), National indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe, 2019. (naručeno)

Alexander Maxwell, Everyday Nationalism in Hungary: 1789-1867, 2019. (naručeno)

Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad, The Past as History: National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Modern Europe, 2015.

Joep Leerssen (ur.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, vol. I-II, 2018.

Gopal Balakrishnan (ur.), Mapping the Nation, 2012. (naručeno)

Umut Özkirimli, Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction, 3. izd., 2017. (naručeno)

Rogers Brubaker, Ethnicity without groups, 2004. (naručeno)

Siniša Malešević, Grounded Nationalisms: A Sociological Analysis, 2019. (naručeno)

Stefan Berger, Eric Storm (ur.), Writing the history of nationalism, 2019.

Florian Bieber, Debating Nationalism: The Global Spread of Nations, 2020.

(Popis priredio Branimir Janković)

Napomena: Dio navedenih knjiga bio je izložen i kratko opisan – zajedno s tada izloženim i hrvatskim izdanjima – na izložbi knjiga “Iskustvo povijesti” (15. X – 15. XI. 2021) Zbirke za povijest Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.

