Call for Support: Institute of Political History Evicted!

The Foundation of Political History (Politikatörténeti Alapítvány) is now, by November 2020, 30 years old. Our little brother, the imprint Napvilág, turns 25 years old. Ideally, we should celebrate, but rather we are moving. We have already written a lot about why we have to leave our headquarters on Alkotmány utca in an undignified and unjust way. How did we get here?

Dear Colleagues,

I write to you as the director of the Institute of Political History in Budapest, the last independent research institution remaining in Hungary. As you may know, the current Hungarian government has recently taken steps either to close or to curtail the independence of academic institutions, including recently the Central European University (CEU) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Our Institute of Political History is the government’s next target. At the moment we face eviction from our current premises with no prospect of compensation to pay for the move to our new location.
