Conference – “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?”

Od 23. do 25. svibnja 2018. u Firenci će se održati konferencija povodom 50. obljetnice niza prosvjeda 1968. godine koji su znatno utjecali na društvene pokrete, političke stranke, sveučilišta, države i društva, kao i na samo proučavanje društvenih pokreta.



23-25 May 2018, SNS, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy



Jointly organized by COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M and ESA/RN25, this conference takes the 1968 anniversary as a stimulating moment for reflection and seeks to provide a space for looking at the implications of research on social movement developed around that period and for addressing a number of key questions in current social movement research.



2018 will mark the anniversary of the 1968 wave of mobilizations: from French May, over Anti-Vietnam War protests, to the Tlatelolco massacre and Prague Spring. The 1968 protest cycle considerably shaped social movements, political parties, universities, states, and societies as well as the social movement scholarship. Taking the 1968 anniversary as a stimulating moment for reflection, this conference seeks to provide space for looking at the implications of that period on social movement research as well as addressing a number of key questions in current social movement research.



Conference – “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?”


