Making Sense of Islam in Southeast Europe: Space, Time and Social Approaches

U Centru za jugoistočnoeuropske studije (CSEES) Sveučilišta u Grazu povjesničarka Nathalie Clayer održat će u četvrtak, 1. veljače 2018. u 17 sati predavanje o novim pristupima u istraživanju islama u Jugoistočnoj Europi.


Uni Graz


visiting lecture



Resowi, LS 15.03



Thursday, 1 February, 2018 – 17:00 to 18:30



Nathalie Clayer





Since the publication of L’islam balkanique by Alexandre Popovic, studies on Islam in Southeast Europe have multiplied and diversified, focusing on the contemporary period as well as the historical background. New approaches have emerged, engaging with the issues of gender and body, networks and circulations, religion and spirituality and even institutions. However, the risk in this field of study is to reify Islam and Muslims, taken as objects of study detached from debates in social sciences.


By drawing on her latest research, Prof. Clayer will present different approaches to making sense of Islam and Muslims in Southeastern Europe by considering space, time and social dimensions. The control of space, at different levels (local, national, supra-national) is key to understanding the interactions between individuals, groups and authorities. The tensions between different temporalities (post-Ottoman, post-WWII, post-socialist, etc.) give complex insights into ruptures and continuities. And in terms of social approaches, the study of associations and biographical approaches are central to the scholarly engagement with Islam and Muslims in the Balkans.


Nathalie CLAYER is historian, professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences Paris (EHESS) and senior research fellow at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Her main research interests are religion, nationalism and state-building processes in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman space, focusing on the Balkans and Turkey, and more specifically on the Albanian sphere. Her publications include Aux origines du nationalisme albanais. La naissance d’une nation majoritairement musulmane en Europe (Karthala, 2007), Conflicting Loyalties in the Balkans (Tauris, 2011) co-edited with Hannes Grandits and Robert Pichler, and Europe’s Balkan Muslims (London, Hurst, 2017) with Xavier Bougarel.


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