Prijepori o izložbi o logoru Jasenovac u UN-u

N1: “Izložba o koncentracijskom logoru Jasenovac, koju je u njujorškom sjedištu UN-a otvorio srpski ministar Dačić, izazvala je brzu reakciju Hrvatske koja poručuje da Srbija nepotrebno manipulira žrtvama zločinačkog ustaškog režima.





Holocaust and the United Nations
Outreach Programme



Thursday, 25 January 2018



Exhibit Opening Jasenovac – The Right to Remembrance (by invitation only)



Venue: Delegates Entrance
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Contact: Ms. Sandra Pejić, Counsellor


The exhibition features the Jasenovac complex, a brutal concentration and extermination camp that was opened under Ustasha authorities during the Second World War. The exhibit will include historical background, film, photos, sculptures and drawings. Viewers will be able to trace the fate of several families that were imprisoned in Jasenovac, listen to the testimonies of child inmate survivors from the camp and meet them at the opening of the exhibition. The exhibition aims to contribute to the preservation of universal values of humanity and global efforts to preserve the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and its history. H.E. Mr. Ivica Dačić, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, will open the exhibition, which is sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Republic Serbia to the United Nations, and curated by Professor Dr. Gideon Greif, director of the exhibition, expert on Auschwitz, Majdanek and Jasenovac extermination camps, and author of the book We Wept Without Tears.


