Vera Tolz: “Great Revolution or a Great Tragedy? Russian Media Coverage of the Revolution’s Centennial”

U Münchenu će u srijedu, 13. prosinca 2017. godine Vera Tolz održati predavanje o obilježavanju stogodišnjice Ruske revolucije 1917-2017. u ruskim medijima.





[Colloquium Munich] Vera Tolz (Manchester): “Great Revolution or a Great Tragedy? Russian Media Coverage of the Revolution’s Centennial”



13.12.2017 (12:15 – 13:45)



On December 13, the colloquium of the Graduate School of East and Southeast European Studies in Munich receives Prof. Dr. Vera Tolz (Manchester). She will give a paper with the title “A Great Revolution or a Great Tragedy? Russian Media Coverage of the Revolution’s Centennial”.



All members of the Graduate School and all members of the Universities in Munich and Regensburg are warmly invited to participate.



Time: Wedneyday, 13.12.2017, noon – 2 p.m. c.t.



Ort: Munich, LMU, Historicum, Amalienstr. 52, Raum K 201


