Predavanje Gintautasa Mažeikisa, “Stolen Revolutions and Resistance”

Javno predavanje Gintautasa Mažeikisa “Stolen Revolutions and Resistance: Devoted to 100 Years of the October Revolution and 50 Years of the Paris Uprising” održat će se u petak, 1. prosinca 2017. u 11 sati na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.




Predavanje profesora Gintautasa Mažeikisa: STOLEN REVOLUTIONS AND RESISTANCE




Pozivamo vas na javno predavanje profesora Gintautasa Mažeikisa pod naslovom Stolen Revolutions and Resistance: Devoted to 100 Years of the October Revolution and 50 Years of the Paris Uprising. Predavanje će se održati u petak, 1. prosinca u 11 sati, u učionici A018.



Sažetak predavanja:



The principles of artistic creative interpretation and propaganda manipulations of the memorials of revolution will be discussed. The history of falsification of the October revolution and the principles of commercialization of Paris uprising will be compared. The idea of détournement (rerouting or hijacking) will be considered as artistic resistance to totalitarian or capitalistic stealing. What does revolution mean if it is not a falsified picture of impossible dignity? Why totalitarian systems and capitalisms needs to produce an impossible idea of glorified revolutions, what is the dirty revolution of everyday life and what type of social, gender, religious, cultural reforms it opens?



Gintautas Mažeikis is professor of philosophy and political anthropology, activists and social critics.


