Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery

Borut Klabjan održat će u srijedu, 29. studenog 2017. na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci predavanje o problematici sjećanja/pamćenja i kolektivnog identiteta na primjeru Trsta, Kopra i Rijeke.




EUI Florence


Dates: Wed 29 Nov 2017 15.30 – 17.00



The northern Adriatic region, shared today by Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, is noted for its history of changing political and symbolic borders. Since the beginning of the twentieth century the area has frequently been situated on major geo-political fault lines. The symbolic boundaries that shaped the mental mapping of the world were located in this area: West vs. East, Latin/German vs. Slavic, European vs. Orient; antifascism vs. fascism; democracy vs. communism. The region has experienced regular re-drawings of borders and reconfigurations of state orders. The question of how different societies managed to interact despite volatile or hostile political conditions is of enormous importance. This makes the northern Adriatic an ideal region for a case study that has great relevance for the whole of Europe.


In this lecture Borut Klabjan will present his current work dedicated to a comparative and transnational analysis of collective identities and territorial belongings (what he refers to as memory landscape) using selected sites of memory in this historical region. Focusing on the memory landscape of three northern Adriatic port-cities such as Trieste/Trst (in present-day Italy), Koper/Capodistria (Slovenia) and Rijeka/Fiume (Croatia), Borut Klabjan will try to overcome the traditional East/West and reflect on the role of politics of memory in three different states, and, more generally, on the diversity of European cultures of memory.





Sala degli Stemmi 1st Floor, V.Sa.



Department of History and Civilization






Borut Klabjan (EUI – Department of History and Civilization)



