Joint History Project II Volumes launch in Slovenia

U Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije u Ljubljani održano je 22. studenog 2017. predstavljanje i rasprava o čitankama za nastavu povijesti koje su zajednički pisali povjesničari i povjesničarke iz Jugoistočne Europe.





Slovenian Launch of the Joint History Project Workbooks



Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, CDRSEE



Concluding the series of launches of the new Joint History volumes (1944-2008) that started in the European Parliament and continued in 6 capital cities across Western Balkans, the CDRSEE is inviting you to first official launch of the JHP in Slovenia.



The books are part the Southeast European Joint History Project – an initiative now running for 18 years – which aims to promote reconciliation and citizenship through a critical-thinking and participative history education methodology.



The project has been funded mainly by the EU through the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) and has received commendations and awards at the highest levels.



The event is organized by the CDRSEE with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.



The agenda of the event is as follows:



09.00-09.30: Registration – coffee



09.30-09.50: Welcome speeches by Dr. Max Brändle, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Director of the Regional Office Zagreb for Croatia and Slovenia and Mr Hannes Swoboda, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CDRSEE
Moderator: Ms Zvezdana Kovač, Excecutive Director of CDRSEE



09.50-10.00 Short evaluation of the two new Workbooks by Professor Peter Vodopivec, Institute of Contemporary History



10.00-11.30 Roundtable: The Joint History Project
‘Why we made it?’ ‘How we made it?’
Opening Remarks by Professor Božo Repe, University of Ljubljana
Panelists: Professor Dubravka Stojanović, University of Belgrade, Professor Neven Budak, University of Zagreb, Professor Alexei Kalionski, University of Sofia, Professor Snježana Koren, University of Zagreb
Moderator: Ms Zvezdana Kovač, Excecutive Director of CDRSEE



11.30-12.00: Questions and answers with the audience and the journalists



12.00: Reception






Joint History Project II Volumes launch in Slovenia






Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije



22 November



Predstavitev Joint history books: diskusija o preteklosti z zgodovinarji iz jugovzhodne Evrope.


Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, CDRSEE, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Zagreb






Novi učbeniki za nesporno poučevanje zgodovine na Balkanu






U suradnji s Centrom za demokraciju i suočavanje s prošlošću u Jugoistočnoj Europi (CDRSEE) organizirali smo danas u Ljubljani raspravu o knjigama povjesti, koje su pisali povjesničari i povjesničarke zemalja Jugoistočne Europe. Ovaj projekt dobio je 2013. godine nagradu za ljudska prava Zaklade Friedrich Ebert.





Joint History Project: Phase II



The Joint History Project has been CDRSEE’s flagship program since 1998, which focuses exclusively on promoting reconciliation in the Western Balkans and beyond by utilizing a multiple-perspective approach towards history education that encourages critical thinking.





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