Alexander Maxwell, Effacing Panslavism: Linguistic Classification and Historiographic Misrepresentation

Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Ljubljani 16. listopada 2017. Alexander Maxwell održat će predavanje o panslavizmu u kojem će govoriti o Janu Kolláru, Ljudevitu Gaju i Ľudovítu Štúru.





Alexander Maxwell, Effacing Panslavism



16 October at 10:30–12:00
Filozofska fakulteta UL
Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia




Effacing Panslavism: Linguistic Classification and Historiographic Misrepresentation



In the early nineteenth century, several Slavic intellectuals believed in a single Slavic nation speaking a single language, though positing various taxonomies of the nation’s component “tribes” and the language’s component “dialects.” Nevertheless, recent scholars, both historians and linguists, prove so extraordinarily unwilling to acknowledge the existence of Panslavism that several falsify the historical record so as to make historical figures conform to modern national and linguistic thinking. This paper discusses Jan Kollár, Ljudevit Gaj, and Ľudovít Štúr as three sample Panslavs, documents the misrepresentation of their ideas in recent historiography, and explores why so many scholars seek to erase Panslavism from the historical record.



Alexander Maxwell did his MA degree at CEU in Budapest, and a Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is the author of “Choosing Slovakia” and “Patriots Against Fashion.” His third monograph, “Everyday Hungary,” is now in press. He has published widely on nationalism in Eastern Europe, and on nationalism theory. His current project concerns Panslavism in the Habsburg Monarchy. He is senior lecturer in history at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, where he also runs the Antipodean East European Study Group.


