Colonial History in Postcolonial Europe: A Past that Will Not Go Away

U utorak, 3. listopada 2017. na Europskom sveučilišnom institutu (EUI) u Firenci Gert Oostindie održat će predavanje o usponu kolonijalne povijesti u Zapadnoj Europi u razdobljima dekolonijalizacije i postkolonijalnih migracija, smatrajući to važnim područjem povijesne znanosti za današnju EU.







Dates: Tue 03 Oct 2017 16.30 – 18.30



Keynote Lecture of the Inaugural Workshop of the Department of History and Civilization.



In this lecture, Gert Oostindie will discuss the re-emergence of colonial history in Western Europe in the context of decolonization and postcolonial migrations, addressing recent debates about Atlantic slavery and the violence of post-World War Two decolonization wars as examples. In his conclusion, he will also argue that understanding this history and its legacies is not only relevant to the former core colonial states, but to all of nations making up the present European Union.



Location: Sala del Consiglio, Villa Salviati
Affiliation: Department of History and Civilization
Type: Lecture
Contact: Monica Palao Calvo – Send a mail
Speaker: Prof. Gert Oostindie (KITLV, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies)



