Project: Learning a History that is ‘not yet History’

Euroclio (Europsko udruženje nastavnika povijesti) provodi projekt “Learning a History that is not yet History”, podržan od Europske komisije, koji se bavi odnosom prema ratovima 1990-ih na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije / Projekt uključuje nastavnike, studente i povjesničare iz Hrvatske, BiH, Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije, a preko ISHA-e (Međunarodnog udruženja studenata povijesti) i mnoge mlade povjesničare širom Europe.








European Association of History Educators



Learning a History that is ‘not yet History’




How to teach the history of recent wars that is often considered not to be history yet, but is remembered in so many different ways, and has been investigated in great detail in the context of transitional justice? This is the main question the project seeks to answer by investing in a unique partnership among teachers and their associations from former Yugoslavia, in which transnational teams will collaboratively create a free ready-to-use learning resource about the 1990s Yugoslav wars.



This resource explores how this history should be addressed in a multi-perspective way; how war impacts developed societies and everyday life and to what extent history educators can also address current wars across the world through the lens of the experiences in the wars of the 1990s.




Project Aims


The project aims to contribute to the field of European remembrance through raising the awareness among teachers, students and pupils that common approaches to the very sensitive past are possible, so that they may raise awareness in their countries that common remembrance is possible.

To contribute to citizens’ understanding of the Union, its history and diversity.
To raise awareness of remembrance, common history and values and the Union’s aim that is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples by stimulating debate, reflection and development of networks.


Expected Outcomes


To connect history teachers in Europe to review their approaches to the recent violent past of the 1990s wars.
To empower history students in the countries of former Yugoslavia to approach the sensitive history of the 1990s conflict in a multi-perspective way.
To evaluate, valorise, disseminate and support further exploitation of past successful projects that took initiative to deal with the recent wars through education.
To provide students and the public at large with opportunities to study the history of the 1990’s war in the context of clashing memories and the various perspectives on the achievements of international law and transitional justice.
To raise awareness among European history educators (formal and non-formal) on the challenges of teaching this recent conflict history in the countries of former Yugoslavia.


Learning a History that is ‘not yet History’






International Students of History Association



EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators), one of ISHA’s oldest partners, is running a project entitled »Learning a History that is not yet History«, dealing with the wars of former Yugoslavia. Funded by the European Commission, this project seeks to examine the conflict 25 years on, with a specific focus on how it is being remembered. The aim of this project is to contribute to the field of European remembrance by raising awareness amongst teachers, students and pupils of all nationalities that common approaches to understanding the sensitivities of the past are possible.



Read more about the project:



