Fifth European Congress on World and Global History: Ruptures, Empires, Revolutions

Od 31. kolovoza do 3. rujna 2017. u Budimpešti će se održati veliki Peti europski kongres svjetske i globalne povijesti, koji se održava svake tri godine i svjedoči o znatnom recentnom usponu interesa za globalnu povijest u svjetskoj historiografiji.





Ruptures, Empires and Revolutions



Fifth European Congress on World and Global History



Budapest, 31 August — 3 September 2017



Welcome to the Fifth ENIUGH congress on “Ruptures, Empires and Revolutions”!



Following the rewarding congresses held in Leipzig, Dresden, London, and Paris, the next ENIUGH Congress will take place in Budapest, hosted by both the Central European University (Department of History) and Corvinus University (Karl Polanyi Research Centre at the Institute of Sociology and Social Policy), supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ Research Centre for Humanities.



Under the overall theme “Ruptures, Empires, Revolutions” and on the occasion of the centennial of the Russian Revolution, we will discuss the global context and repercussions of the revolution in particular while debating the role of revolutions in global history in general. Added to that we will explore empires and imperial forms of organisation, especially in view of how they changed and ended, and which legacies they left. Violent transformations of societies, ruptures in world orders, and wars, as well as changing international relations are addressed from transnational and transregional angles.



Again the location of the congress is a step in mobilising a pan-European community of scholars: We are glad that our call for contributions to comparative and global perspectives on South Eastern Europe and the Middle East has resonated with the research interest of many colleagues who will come to Budapest. And of course, we are looking forward to discover the connected histories of the Hungarian capital and the wider region.


