Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture. 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy (2018)

This Call for Papers invites submissions for the 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy: “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture” (University of Bamberg, March 29-30, 2018) – Deadline: September 30th, 2017.





Institute for Communications Science, University of Bamberg


29.03.2018 – 30.03.2018


Bewerbungsschluss: 30.09.2017


This Call for Papers invites submissions for the 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy: “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture”. With this overarching theme we attempt to consolidate two perspectives. On the one hand, we invite theoretical papers that help to shed light on the concept of scandal cultures. On the other hand, we are interested in case studies that illustrate the dynamics of scandalization in specific countries or cultures.

How certain actions lead to public outrage is an indicator for the specific scandal culture of a society (Hondrich 2002). For instance, sex scandals can end political careers in the USA. The recent case of Anthony Weiner illustrates this point. Nevertheless, the case of Silvio Berlusconi shows that there is a different “Mediterranean scandal culture”. In Germany power scandals as well as misconduct concerning German history and political culture are characteristic types of scandals (Esser & Hartung 2004). However, it appears that scandal cultures are mutable − although by a long process.

In 2016 we witnessed the rise of Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States, which could be seen as a turning point for our concept of scandalization: His racist and misogynist comments and his insults against minorities in general have not weakened him as a political actor. Does this mean we are witnessing a transformation of scandal culture in the USA? If so, what are the reasons for this and what are the consequences for dealing with future scandals and affairs?

We are interested to bring the practitioners’ perspective into the academic field as well: Often, journalists are limited to describing and criticizing scandals instead of reflecting a potential lack of response by the public. One may argue this deficit could be alleviated if academic research and journalism would be more sensitive to characteristics of specific cultures of scandals. Therefore, we also invite submissions that are not limited to the academic field but deal with aspects of scandals and media.



Information on Paper Submission:

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Please include an additional short biographical note of no more than 150 words.
As the selection of abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously, we ask contributors to include a separate title page containing title, author/s, affiliation/s, and the address, phone, fax, and e-mail of the first author.
All submissions will be evaluated on relevance and originality, clarity of research purpose, grounding of theoretical and methodological approach, focus, and organization.
A publication of selected articles is planned.
Please email abstracts to or by September 30th 2017.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by the end of November.




Confirmed Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Hans Mathias Kepplinger (University of Mainz)



André Haller
An der Weberei 5
96045 Bamberg




