CSEES Research Blog – Globalising Southeast Europe

“This blog is dedicated to sharing reflections on research on Southeastern Europe. We plan to discuss our experiences on how to research Southeastern Europe, notes from archives, methodological challenges, experiences in the field and broader reflections on conducting research on the region from an interdisciplinary background”.





Centre for Southeast European Studies


Graz, Austria






This blog is dedicated to sharing reflections on research on Southeastern Europe. We plan to discuss our experiences on how to research Southeastern Europe, notes from archives, methodological challenges, experiences in the field and broader reflections on conducting research on the region from an interdisciplinary background. This blog is an open platform for researchers at all levels and from an interdisciplinary background. While it primarily provides for researchers at the Centre for Southeast European Studies and the University of Graz, we are open to contributions and proposals from researchers elsewhere—please see our instructions on how to submit a blog post.


