Srđan Milošević: War Criminals or National Martyrs: Memory Politics and Law in Serbia and Croatia

U ponedjeljak, 19. lipnja 2017. na institutu „Imre Kertész Kolleg“ Sveučilišta Friedricha Schillera u Jeni Srđan Milošević održat će predavanje “War Criminals or National Martyrs: Memory Politics and Law in Serbia and Croatia (From the End of the 20th to the Beginning of the 21st Century)”.



Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena




Datum: 19. Juni 2017
Zeit: 11 Uhr – 13 Uhr c.t.
Ort: Am Planetarium 7, Seminarraum


Srđan Milošević: War Criminals or National Martyrs: Memory Politics and Law in Serbia and Croatia (From the End of the 20th to the Beginning of the 21st Century)



Dr Srđan Milošević



Research project at the Kolleg
At the Kolleg I’ll be working on the project War Criminals or Martyrs? (History, politics of memory, and law in Serbia and Croatia in previous three decades), which is a part of the broader project on researching the process of various types of the rehabilitation (public, judicial, historiographical etc.) of the persons accused immediately after the WWII by the new regimes, organized by the communists, for the war crimes and collaboration with the occupiers during the war period (1941-945). The project deals with the issues that reflect the present state of the revisionist narratives and practices actualized in the process of renovatio burgensis (transition) that became actual after the destruction/collapse of socialism and abandonment of its’ privileged paradigms. Methodological approach in this research combines historiographical and legal research methods, as well as the memory studies methodology, thus revealing different layers of this complex issue and their dynamic permeation.


