„The Power Over Memory is the Power Over Identity”: The Memory in post-Yugoslav Theater

U Centru za jugoistočnoeuropske studije (CSEES) Sveučilišta u Grazu Iva Kosmos održat će predavanje o sjećanju na Jugoslaviju u teatru (srijeda, 14.6.2017, 13h).









visiting lecture



Schubertstr. 51, HS 31.11

Wednesday, 14 June, 2017 – 13:00 to 15:00



Speaker(s): Iva Kosmos


As individuals and as a society we are defined by how we remember our past experiences. Our memories influence the way we perceive our present and imagine our future. Remembering Yugoslavia has been a big challenge in new national states that emerged after the Yugoslav break-up. While there is less enthusiasm to explore memories on Yugoslavia in political arenas and in media, Yugoslavia as a non-existing land became the source of inspiration for theatrical experiments. Some theatre performances relied on the archives and documents from “forgotten land”, some relied on personal testimonies, some created entirely fictional stories. Some did all of that. We will present several cases of how theatre dealt with memory on Yugoslavia, and its breakup, and see how the perception of present changes when confronted with different versions of past.





