Droysen-Lecture 2017: Rogers Brubaker (UCLA): “Why Populism?” (Berlin, 07.06.2017)

Talk of populism is inescapable these days / But is “populism” just a journalistic cliché and political epithet / Or is it a useful – indeed indispensable – tool of analysis?



Talk of populism is inescapable these days. But is “populism” just a journalistic cliché and political epithet? Or is it a useful – indeed indispensable – tool of analysis? I will defend the latter view by characterizing populism as a discursive and stylistic repertoire and sketching an explanation of the present populist conjuncture.


Rogers Brubaker, a Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin in 2016/17, is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he holds the UCLA Foundation Chair. He has written widely on social theory, immigration, citizenship, nationalism, ethnicity, and religion. His most recent books include Grounds for Difference (Harvard, 2015) and Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities (Princeton, 2016).

Mittwoch, 07.06.2017
18:00 Uhr im Zeughauskino des Deutschen Historischen Museums (DHM), Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin








