BB: Gabriele Leone – Turkish-Syrian Border in the Aftermath of the Syrian Civil War: Between Necropolitics, Gender, and Ethnicity

The central theme of Gabriele Leone’s Brownbag presentation will be his research project titled “Turkish-Syrian Border in the Aftermath of the Syrian Civil War: Between Necropolitics, Gender, and Ethnicity”. This project aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the current conditions faced by Kurdish communities along the Turkish-Syrian border. Utilizing the theoretical frameworks of Judith Revel, Achille Mbembe, and Michael J. Shapiro, the study employs an intersectional approach to analyze the interplay of necropolitics, gender, and ethnicity in shaping the lived experiences of these communities. While primarily focusing on Kurdish populations, the research also emphasizes the necessity of acknowledging the challenges faced by other minority groups in the region. Driven by an urgent need to address humanitarian concerns and the complex socio-political dynamics in post-conflict settings, this study seeks to illuminate the implications for policy, post-conflict rehabilitation, and a broader understanding of geopolitical and social transformations in this critical border zone.


13:00 – 14:00

Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien & SOEGA & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft

SR 111.41, Beethovenstr.8, 4.OG, 8010 Graz
