Routledge Research in Gender and History: The Impact of World War I on Marriages, Divorces, and Gender Relations in Europe

Edited by Sandra Brée and Saskia Hin
How did WWI affect the love lives of ordinary citizens and their interactions as couples? This book focuses on how dramatic changes in living conditions affected key parts of the life course of ordinary citizens: marriage and divorce. Innovative in bringing together demographic and gender perspectives, contributions in this comparative volume draw on newly available micro-level data, as well as qualitative sources such as war diaries. In a first exploration intended to incite further research, it asks how patterns of marriage and divorce were affected by the war across Europe, and what the role of enduring change – or lack thereof – in gender relations was in shaping these patterns.
Table of Contents
Sandra Brée and Saskia Hin
Part I: Something Old, Something New?: Continuity and Change in Gender Relations
1. “So Absent and So Present”: Marriage by Correspondence in France During the Great War
Martha Hanna
2. The Impact of World War 1 on Marriage, Divorce and Gender Relations in Britain
Pat Thane
3. The First World War and Its Impact on Gender Relations: The Polish Case
Katarzyna Sierakowska
Part II: New Kinds of Couples?: Wartime Upheaval and Persistence in Marriage Patterns Before and After the War
4. From Surviving the War Trenches to Storming the Gender Barricades?: Marriage Patterns in Belgium in the Early 20th Century and the Impact of War on Gender Relations
Saskia Hin, Paul Puschmann and Koen Matthijs
5. The Impact of WWI on Marriage Patterns in Albania
Siegfried Gruber, Gentiana Kera, and Enriketa Pandelejmoni
6. Did the War Break Couples?: Marriage and Divorce in France During and After WWI
Sandra Brée
7. “It Does Not Stop People from Getting Married”: WWI-Related Changes in Nuptiality in the City of Cracow, Poland
Bartosz Ogórek
Part III: Open Borders, Open Minds?: Intercultural Marriages and Alternative Life Choices
8. Uncertainty, Enabling and Radicalization: World War I and Its Impact on Binational and Intercultural Marriages in Germany
Christoph Lorke
9. The Wife and Children of the “Boche”: Marriage and Procreation Between Occupiers and Occupied Women in Belgium, 1914-1918
Emmanuel Debruyne
10. From War to Wedding: Marriage Strategies of WWI POWs in the Urals, Russia
Elena Glavatskaya, Julia Borovik, Gunnar Thorvaldsen, and Elizaveta Zabolotnykh
11. Female Collaborators and Resisters in Occupied Belgium: Comparative Analysis of Their Social and Family Contexts (1914-1918)
Florent Verfaillie
Sandra Brée and Saskia Hin
Sandra Brée is an historian and a demographer of the Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA) in Lyon, France.
Saskia Hin is a historical demographer affiliated with the KU Leuven Family and Population Studies Group.
ISBN 9781032082516
328 Pages 69 B/W Illustrations
Published August 2, 2021 by Routledge