(CAPONEU) Research workshop: The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender

Caponeu event

27.06.2024 – 28.06.2024

Venues: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb and Booksa, Martićeva 14d, Zagreb

The workshop aims to explore the complex relationships between the political novel as a genre, the broad spectrum of contemporary feminist and queer politics, and the disciplinary field of feminist and queer criticism. On the one hand, the novel has played a crucial role in the critical analysis of gender, as one of the most important subjects of feminist and queer criticism. On the other hand, feminist and queer criticism has always been closely intertwined with the political issues of gender rights and gender equality. In light of all these relations, the workshop will attempt to trace the current impact of the decades-long as well as contemporary feminist and queer engagement with the novel and discuss the theoretical, methodological, political and educational novelties that could emerge from the encounter of the feminist and queer perspective with the possibilities of thinking the genre of political novel.



Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb – Classroom D4

9:00 Gathering of participants at FFZG

9:30–9:45 Zrinka Božić (University of Zagreb): Introductory Remarks

9:45–10:30 Keynote Jasmina Lukić (CEU, Vienna): Transnational Literature and Feminist Politics of Reading

10:30–11:00 Discussion
Chair: Zrinka Božić (University of Zagreb)

11:00–11:15 Coffee break

11:15–11:35 Polina Mackay (University of Nicosia): Gender and the Medical-Political Novel

11:35–11:55 Eric Bergman (University of Zagreb): The Layered Narrative Technique of Pajtim Statovci’s “My Cat Yugoslavia” and Resulting Queer, Feminist, and Migration Interventions

11:55–12:25 Discussion
Chair: Marina Protrka Štimec (University of Zagreb)

12:25–14:00 Lunch break

14:00–14:45 Keynote Slaven Crnić (University of Rijeka): Recalling Queer Antinormativity: The Inviolate Man and Anticipated Modernity in Ivo Andrić’s “Bosnian Chronicle”

14:45–15:15 Discussion
Chair: Mirela Dakić (University of Zagreb)

15:15–15:30 Coffee break

15:30–15:50 Tijana Matijević (University of Belgrade): “Happy Days”: Gender and Genre Transformations in the Immediacy of Political History (online)

15:50–16:10 Eugenia Seleznova (CEU, Vienna): Russo-Ukrainian War Temporality in “The Ladder” by Eugenia Kuznetsova: A Queer Phenomenological Reading

16:10–16:40 Discussion
Chair: Karlo Držaić (University of Zagreb)

20:00 Roundtable “Engaging Audiences, Expanding Circles”
Venue: Literary hub Booksa, Martićeva 14d, Zagreb
Participants: Ivana Dražić, Anja Tomljenović; moderated by Mirela Dakić

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024

Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb – Classroom D4

9:30–10:15 Keynote Lada Čale Feldman (University of Zagreb):
Love versus/and/as Politics in Miroslav Krleža’s “Banquet in Blitva” and Virginia Woolf’s “Between the Acts”

10:15–10:45 Discussion
Chair: Zvonimir Glavaš (University of Zagreb)

10:45–11:00 Coffee break

11:00–11:20 Nenad Ivić (University of Zagreb): Politics of “amour fou”

11:20–11:40 Maja Zorica (University of Zagreb): Renaud Camus, mise en abyme of the Queer Political Novel

11:40–12:10 Discussion
Chair: Ana Tomljenović (University of Zagreb)

12:10–12:25 Coffee break

12:25–12:45 Błażej Warkocki (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań):
Language, Gender and Genre as Political Platform. “Snow White and Russian Red” by Dorota Masłowska in the Context of Polish Literature since 1989.

12:45–13:05 Anna Artwich (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań): Maria Modrakowska’s Novel “Anetka” as a Literary Lesbian Manifesto of the Polish Interwar Period

13:05–13:35 Discussion
Chair: Nenad Ivić (University of Zagreb)

13:35–15:00 Lunch break

15:00–15:20 Ante Andabak (University of Zagreb): Bodily Abounds – Hilary Mantel’s “The Mirror and the Light” as Cixousian “Feminine” Text

15:20–15:40 Andrea Anđelinić (University of Zagreb): Friendship, Hope and Communication During Second Wave and Postfeminism: Gillian E. Hanscombeʼs “Between Friends” and Sally Rooneyʼs “Conversations with Friends”

15:40–16:10 Discussion
Chair: Branimir Janković (University of Zagreb)

16:10–16:25 Coffee break

16:25–16:45 Mark Devenney (University of Brighton): Posthuman Feminisms and the Politics of Narrative

16:45–17:05 Mirela Dakić (University of Zagreb): The Political Novel through the Lens of Feminist and Queer Narratology

17:05–17:35 Discussion
Chair: Zrinka Božić (University of Zagreb)

Closing of the workshop

Download the program of the workshop

Download the book of abstracts

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