BB: Anica Draganić – Digital narratives of ex-Yugoslav dissonant heritage from transnational perspectives

Post-socialist discourse concerns the various narratives woven around Yugoslavia, ranging from fierce anti-communist totalitarian repression and nationalism to optimistic depictions of prosperity, security and respect in a non-existent country. It raises the question of how the younger generation, born and raised in the post-socialist digital era, can objectively appraise the value of Yugoslav heritage in such a context. The project aims to problematize the heritage value of the Yugoslav socio-economic context, particularly in terms of memory, shared values, and cultural identity. It posits the question of the extent to which the digitization of narratives about the Yugoslav past from a transnational perspective can contribute to the realization of the ideals and practices of a European society grounded in principles of equality, justice, and solidarity. Finally, it calls into question the relevance of Yugoslav heritage in the contemporary quest for models of social life that would enable emancipation, equality, participation, and intercultural dialogue.

Anica Draganic is a Senior Visiting Fellow during the summer semester 2024 working closely with the Cluster Cultural Memory and Cultural Hertitage in Europe in the Context of Digital Transformation.

28.05.2024 13:00 – 14:00


Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien & SOEGA & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft


Location: SR 111.42, Beethovenstr,8, 4.OG. 8010 Graz


Milomir Kovačević Strašni, Ušće, Beograd, 1988
