BB: Siegfried Gruber & Daniel-Armin Đumić – Demography and Society in Historical Southeastern Europe

Historical demography in and about Southeastern Europe is still less developed compared to the leading centers of this research. Therefore, samples of census microdata for all countries in Southeastern Europe (including urban populations) should be created so that we can establish the largest European database of historical census data outside the already established centers of historical-demographic research. In intend to answer questions about fertility, nuptiality, household formation, co-residence patterns, familial patriarchal structures and their differences within Southeastern Europe.

Siegfried Gruber is a researcher at the section of Southeast European History and Anthropology, Institute of History, University of Graz, where he received his doctoral degree in 2004. His main research topics are historical demography, aging, family history, patriarchal structures within Southeastern Europe, and European comparative studies. 

09.04.2024 13:00 – 14:00


Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien & SOEGA & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft


Location: SR 111.42 BEETHOVENSTRASSE 8 4. OG 8010 GRAZ
