Prijepori oko predavanja Pankaja Mishre „The Shoah after Gaza“

U sklopu ciklusa predavanja The 2024 London Review of Books Winter Lectures u Londonu će 28. veljače Pankaj Mishra održati predavanje „The Shoah after Gaza“ koje je izazvalo prijepore, o čemu obavještavamo u nastavku.
Pankaj Mishra: The Shoah after Gaza
Wednesday 28 February 2024, 19:00
Saint James Church, Clerkenwell
A powerful Western narrative holds the Shoah to be the incomparable crime of the modern era. But we find our moral and political consciousness profoundly altered when Israel, a country founded as a haven for the victims of genocidal racism, is itself charged with genocide. What is the fate of universal values after Israel’s collapse into violent nationalism?
Pankaj Mishra’s books include From the Ruins of Empire, Age of Anger and, most recently, the novel Run and Hide. He writes a column for Bloomberg View and contributes regularly to the Guardian, New Yorker and London Review of Books.
Pankaj Mishra: Knjige koje sam čitao
Barbikan centar iz Londona odbio je da ugosti godišnju seriju predavanja u organizaciji časopisa London Review of Books, koja obuhvata i Mišrino izlaganje pod naslovom „Šoa posle Gaze“. Predavanja će biti održana na drugom mestu.
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