CfP: Thinking the “other” from the Historical Perspective

The act of conceptualizing and delineating the notion of “the other” assumes a central role in the intricate process of constructing individual and collective identities. This process which encompasses various dimensions such as culture, religion, and ethnicity, establishes the demarcations that define the boundaries of “the self.” Consequently, comprehending the cognitive frameworks employed in the perception of ‘the other(s)’ becomes indispensable for elucidating the intricate fabric of interactions that occur among individuals, groups, societies, and civilizations, in different historical epochs. This thematic inquiry holds enduring pertinence within the purview of history and related fields, and its application contributes significantly to the interpretation of a wide array of social and historical phenomena. While the abstracts can explore topics from the list below, they are not constrained to these choices:

– The opposition “Barbarism” vs. “Civilization” in History
– Religious minorities in the Middle Ages and Modernity
– History of slavery
– Representation of women and LGBTIQ+ in History
– History of madness, illness, and prisoners
– Migrants in Europe during the 20th century
– Law and otherness from a historical perspective
– Identity construction in historical discourse
– Transformation of the “other” in contentious politics
– Creation of the nation-state and otherness
– Approaching the “other” in education and pedagogy
– Representing the “other” and the self in literary texts

The submission deadline for abstracts (300 words) and one-page CV is set for March 16, 2024. Subsequently, the submitted abstracts will be diligently assessed, and within one month, the authors will be duly notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. Each participant will have 20 minutes for their presentation and at the end of the presentation there will be a space for questions and answers. Additionally, the event could feature academic experts in the field serving as keynote speakers. The event will take place at Charles University, nonetheless, neither the organizing committee nor the hosting institution will be responsible for covering the financial obligations, such as travel, accommodation, and other related expenses.

The organizers plan to publish selected papers in either the conference proceedings or a themed section of an open-access scholarly journal. The authors of the chosen papers will be informed via email after the selection process, providing them with more details about deadlines, the journal’s style, and so on.

VENUE: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, Prague, Czech Republic
CONFERENCE DATE: 2.9.2024-3.9.2024

Thinking the “other” from the Historical Perspective., In: H-Soz-Kult, 16.02.2024,

