Katedra za židovske studije i istraživanje Holokausta

Promjena imena Katedre / Chair’s new name

Katedra za judaistiku Odsjeka za hungarologiju, turkologiju i judaistiku 20. prosinca 2023. promijenila je svoje ime u Katedra za židovske studije i istraživanje Holokausta (Chair for Jewish and Holocaust studies). Ta je odluka potvrđena na Fakultetskom vijeću 24. siječnja 2024. godine.

S promjenom imena Katedre dolazi i novi prijediplomski i diplomski studijski program prema kojemu je judaistika svrstana u polje interdisciplinarne humanistike. Novi program usvaja suvremeni pristup proučavanja židovske kulture kao kompleksnog koncepta koji je postavljen multidisciplinarno i transdisciplinarno, čime se uključuju različiti pristupi, koncepti i metode koje su uvriježene u suvremenoj humanistici, kao i proučavanje Holokausta kao fenomena bez presedana u svjetskoj povijesti.

Novo ime Katedre sukladno se s dugotrajnim aktivnostima njenih članova, koje određeni vrhunac dosežu prilikom uspostave znanstvene infrastrukture EHRI-ERIC u čemu je upravo Katedra nositelj inicijative prilikom koje se Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ističe kao nacionalni koordinator ove znanstvene infrastrukture u osnivanju. Katedra je i partner u procesu osnivanja nacionalnih ureda EHRI-ERIC-a, koji se provodi kroz znanstveni projekt EHRI-IP, financiran iz sredstava Europske komisije kroz Horizon Europe.

Ovom se inicijativom odgovara i na preporuke Međunarodnoga saveza za sjećanje na Holokaust (IHRA) za poticanje stvaranja namjenskih katedri, odjela i studijskih programa gdje je to moguće, te poticanje međusveučilišne i transnacionalne suradnje u istraživanju i podučavanju Holokausta. Time naša Katedra, uz činjenicu da je jedina koja se bavi židovskim studijima, postaje nositelj jedinoga programa u Republici Hrvatskoj koji se bavi Holokaustom kao sastavnim dijelom svoga programa.

On 20 December 2023 the Chair of Judaic Studies of the Department of Hungarology, Turkology and Judaic Studies changed its name to the Chair for Jewish and Holocaust studies. This decision was confirmed at the Faculty Council on 24 January 2024.

A new undergraduate and graduate study program follow this change, in the field of interdisciplinary humanities. The new program adopts a modern approach to the study of Jewish culture as a complex concept that is set multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary, thus including various approaches, concepts and methods that are established in contemporary humanities, as well as the study of the Holocaust as a phenomenon without precedent in world history.

The new name of the Chair is in line with the long-term activities of its members, with the establishment of the scientific infrastructure EHRI-ERIC as its highlight. In this process the Chair carries the initiative, during which the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb stands out as the national coordinator of this scientific infrastructure in its establishment. The Chair is also a partner in the process of establishing National Nodes of EHRI-ERIC, which is carried out through the scientific project EHRI-IP, financed through funds of the European Commission through Horizon Europe.

This initiative corresponds with recommendations of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) to encourage the creation of dedicated chairs, departments and study programs where possible, and to encourage inter-university and transnational cooperation in Holocaust research and teaching. Chair for Jewish and Holocaust studies, in addition to the fact that it is the only Chair that deals with Jewish studies, is the home of the only program in the Republic of Croatia that deals with the Holocaust as an integral part of its program.

