CfA: Empires, Religions, Mobilities: Mediterranean Spring School 2024

19-21 March 2024, Universität Konstanz, K7 and Bischofsvilla

Organizers: Manuel Borutta, Jovo Miladinović (Konstanz) 

Featuring: Eric Böhme, Marc Gehrmann, Ulrich Gotter, Achim Landwehr, Alejandro Peláez Martín, Sven Reichardt, James Wilson, Ann-Sophie Andelfinger

This Spring School brings together researchers and students from Konstanz and abroad. Starting with keynote lectures by distinguished experts of individual epochs (Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern Period, 19th-21st century), we will analyze crucial problems of Mediterranean history based on selected sources and literature: processes of imperial expansion and techniques of imperial governance, the emergence and relationship of monotheistic religions as well as the infrastructural preconditions and cultural practices of different forms of mobility (e.g., pilgrimage, tourism, and migration). Therefore, our guiding questions are as follows:

  1. What kinds of spatial orders did empires, religions, and mobilities establish?
  2. How did empires manage diversity?
  3. How did religions function within imperial frameworks?
  4. What kind of mobilities did empires and religions produce?

By looking at the similarities and differences, transfers, and transitions between different periods, we aim to identify phenomena of long duration, reciprocal references, ruptures, and turning points in order to understand what constituted and transformed the Mediterranean across the ages.

The Spring School is primarily aimed at advanced BA students from various disciplines (e.g., History, Islamic, Jewish or Ottoman studies, Arabic or Romance studies) who are interested in the new Master’s program Mediterranean History at the University of Konstanz, which is expected to start in the winter term 2024/25. An attractive cultural program will accompany the Spring School. Travel and accommodation costs for external participants can be covered to a certain extent. For the external participants from Europe and the Mediterranean region, a subsidy will be provided (up to 50% of the costs), whereas, in the case of participants, e.g., from Canada or the USA, the subsidy will vary depending on the expenditures.

Please send your application (Short CV, letter of motivation, transcript of records) to by February 4, 2024.

For updated information on the program, see

19.03. Tuesday: K7 


17:00                    Welcome & Introduction 

17:30                     Presentation of New Master Program “Mediterranean History”

18:30                    Buffet 

20.03. Wednesday: K7 and Bischofsvilla

Ancient Mediterranean 

09:00                    Keynote Lecture: Ulrich Gotter

10:00                    Group Work with Sources (Marc Gehrmann & Ulrich Gotter)

12:00                    Lunch at Mensa 

Medieval Mediterranean 

13:00                    Keynote Lecture: Eric Böhme

14:00                     Group Work with Sources (Eric Böhme, Alejandro Peláez Martín & James Wilson)

16:30                    Bus to Konstanz 

17:00                    Guided Historical Walking Tour 

19:00                 Keynote Speech (Bischofsvilla): Prof. Dr. Gudrun Krämer, A Land Without People for a People Without Land? Palestine from Ottoman to British Rule, together with the ZKF

21:00                Dinner, Constanzer Wirtshaus

21.03. Thursday: K7

Early Modern Mediterranean 

09:00                    Keynote Lecture: Achim Landwehr & Jovo Miladinović

10:00                    Group Work with Sources (Achim Landwehr & Jovo Miladinović)

12:00                    Lunch at Mensa 

Modern & Contemporary Mediterranean 

13:00                    Keynote Lecture: Manuel Borutta & Sven Reichardt

14:00                     Group Work with Sources (Manuel Borutta, Sven Reichardt & Ann-Sophie Andelfinger)

16:30                    Coffee Break

17:00                Conclusions and Feedback

18:00                End

22.03. Friday

