BB: Evelyn Reuter – Equality of Religious Minorities in Post-Socialist South Eastern Europe during the EU Enlargement

This paper focuses on how the EU influences the treatment of religious minorities in post-socialist states of South Eastern Europe states during the (prospective) enlargement process using the case studies of Bulgaria and Albania. In these states, traditional religious communities are mainly considered due to their role in nation-building. However, the protection of (religious) minorities is one of the political accession criteria for a state’s admission to the EU according to the Copenhagen criteria (1993). Thus, SEE countries consider Western European actors as role models in terms of regulating religious diversity, and they are actively influenced by the EU during the enlargement process. Thus, the paper tackles the value of in-/equality respective to the equal status that religious minorities may gain. The study analyses EU documents on enlargement in general and in SEE in particular and further documents such as the state’s minority protection laws and statements of religious minorities.

09.01.2024 13:00 – 14:00


Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien, SOEGA & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft


Location: SR 111.41, BEETHOVENSTRASSE 8 4. OG 8010 GRAZ
