Vortrag und Diskussion (Hybrid): Tracing Silenced Participation of Women in Nation and State-building Processes in Kosovo

Vortragende: Drivalda Delia, M.A., Universität Regensburg

Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung “Women in Arms, in Turkey and beyond” (30.11.-01.12.2023).

The early 90s witnessed the disintegration of the Federation of Yugoslavia, giving rise to resurgent national inquiries and conflicting statehood initiatives. In its bid to control Kosovo, the Serbian regime, implemented draconian measures, suppressing the political, economic, and human rights of the majority Albanian population.

Responding to Serbia’s oppression, the Albanians of Kosovo initiated a parallel state, demanding separation from Serbia, albeit with divergent perspectives within political factions. Despite women playing pivotal roles in these processes, predominant narratives in academic and public discourse have overlooked their participation and contributions in significant ways, painting a distorted picture of a ‘womenless’ Kosovo in the 90s. This discrepancy is particularly evident in the scant attention given to women within the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a focal point of my PhD dissertation.

In this presentation I will discuss the silence surrounding women’s involvement in armed resistance during this period in academic discussions, including feminist literature, and explore the factors contributing to this phenomenon. Additionally, I will outline some of the challenges, including ethical considerations, encountered in researching women’s roles in the KLA and explore the efficacy of biographical interviews as a method to unveil the stories of these women and navigate a sensitive and volatile context. My concluding reflections will touch upon my positionality as a researcher and the intersectional challenges faced as an early career Albanian woman researcher conducting this study within a German higher education institution.

Ort: Online via Zoom // Universität zu Köln Repräsentationssaal, Gebäude HF 221 Klosterstraße 79b, 50931 Köln

