Cultural Transfers in the Habsburg Monarchy in 18th Century

IX. Biennial Conference of the Czech Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Date: 22–23 November 2023
Location: Institute for Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1 (Higher Hall, entrance C, 3rd floor)
Languages: English, German
Organizers: Czech Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ČSVOS),
with the support of the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES)
and the collaboration of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (FF UK) and the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚČL AVČR).

Download the theses of the conference and the abstracts of the contributions to the conference.


Wednesday 22 November 2023

9:30 – Opening of the conference

Panel 1. | Agents and Spaces at the Crossroads of Cultural Transfers
Chair: Michael Wögerbauer (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

9:45 – Daniela Tinková (Charles University, Prague)
“Periphery” as a membrane for cultural transfer? Between Bohemia, the Habsburg “province”, and Saxony, the center of the Central European Enlightenment

10:05 – Eva Hajdinová (Charles University, Prague)
Transfer and Adaptation of German Pietism in the Environment of Upper Hungarian, Silesian and Bohemian-Moravian Evangelicalism

10:25 – Jaroslav Stanovský (Moravian Library, Brno)
An Enlightened Aristocrat at the Crossroads of Countries and Languages: Ignác Dominik Chorynský of Ledská (1729–1792)

10:45 – Discussion

11:15–11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – Veronika Čapská (Charles University, Prague)
Grand Tour, Cultural Transfer and Extended Agency – Servants, Plants, Animals and “Others”

11:50 – Marc Niubo (Charles University, Prague)
Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera in the Czech Lands – A Cultural Transfer?

12:10 – Lucie Olivová (Masaryk University, Brno)
The Spread of Chinamode in Bohemia

12:30 – Discussion

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

Panel 2. | Manuscripts & Printed Word as Agents of Translations, Displacements and Adaptations
Chair: Veronika Čapská (Charles University, Prague)

14:30 – Gabriela Eichlová Ördöghová (Charles University, Prague) The Translation Projects of Eleonora von Sporck and María de Montijo. Women’s Translation Practices in the 18th Century

14:50 – Jasna Mijailović (University of Belgrade)
Cultural Transfer through Printed Books for Serbian People under the Habsburg Monarchy

15:10 – Piroska Balogh (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
A Latin Journal from a Multilingual City: Ephemerides Statistico-Politicae / Posonienses

15:30 – Discussion

16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break

16:15 – Filip Binder (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Die Kontakte des Grafen Leopold I. Berchtold mit Großbritannien und deren Einfluss auf seine Tätigkeit

16:35 – Ágnes Dóbék (Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest) The Modernization of 18th-Century Hungarian Literary Culture through the Influence of Modern and Ancient Rome. A Case Study of Bishop György Klimo of Pécs (1751–1800)

16:55 – Dmitrij Timofejev (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) Index Bohemicorum Librorum Prohibitorum: Antonín Koniáš Reissued and Repackaged

17:20 – Discussion

Thursday 23 November 2023

9:15 – Welcome

Panel 3 | Circulating Political Knowledge and Techniques of Governement
: Jiří Hrbek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

9:30 – Tibor Bodnár-Király (University of Public Service, Budapest) Prague, Vienna, and Pest-Buda in the European Circulation of Eighteenth-Century Political Knowledge

9:50 – Igor Serdiuk (Poltava National Pedagogical University)
Fiscal and Ecclesiastical Accounting of the Population of the Hetmanate of the 18th Century as Instruments of Imperial Discipline and Social Engineering

10:10 – Discussion

10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – Eric Hassler (University of Strasbourg / CNRS)
The Introduction of Proofs of Noble Birth in the Habsburg Monarchy. A New Instrument for Governing the Nobility (1650–1800)

11:20 –Giulia Delogu & Antonio Trampus (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Knowledge and Government: Cultural Transfers in Pavia, Milan, Vienna, and Prague (1784–1791)

11:40 – Discussion

12:10 – 13:30 Lunch

Panel 4. | Circulating Scientific Knowledge
: Daniela Tinková (Charles University, Prague)

13:30 – Ivana Horbec (Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb)
From the Centres of Medical Education to the Periphery of the Habsburg Monarchy: Jean-Baptiste Lalangue and His Role in the Transfer of Medical Knowledge in Croatia

13:50 – Janka Kovács (Research Centre for the Humanities,  Budapest), Translating and Circulating Psychological Knowledge in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Hungary

14:20 – Vojtěch Szajkó (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), Imperial-Royal Josephinian Military Academy of Surgery in Vienna in the Years 1785–1820: A Centre of Knowledge in the Field of Military Health Care

14:40 – Discussion

15:10 – Conclusion of the Conference
