Naučni skup „Between Distant and Close Reading – Periodical Studies and Humanities in the 21st Century“ u Beogradu

Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas pozovemo da prisustvujete naučnom skupu „Between Distant and Close Reading – Periodical Studies and Humanities in the 21st Century“, koji će se održati 27. oktobra, od 9 do 15č u Biblioteci Instituta za književnost i umetnost. Nastavljajući saradnju uspostavljenu Ugovorom o saradnji između Instituta i Univerziteta IULM u Milanu, kao i Memorandumom o razumevanju između Instituta i Evropskog društva za proučavanje periodike, Odeljenje Periodika u istoriji srpske književnosti i kulture i Istraživačka grupa za studije periodike Univerziteta IULM organizuju jednodnevnu konferenciju.

Ovaj naučni skup okuplja kako priznate istoričare i teoretičare književnosti, kulture i filma, tako i mlade istraživače, s ciljem da pokrene i podstakne diskusiju o metodologijima čitanja i tumačenja u savremenim studijama periodike. Zamisao skupa jeste da preispita kako metodologije čitanja koje se primenjuju u studijama periodike, uključujući i digitalne i tradicionalne pristupe, utiču na smisao i domete humanističkih nauka danas. Izlaganja na konferenciji zaokupljena su pitanjem kako studije periodike pospešuju veštine kritičkog čitanja, posebno se usredsređujući na njihov uticaj u okviru samih humanističkih disciplina, tako i na razumevanje sprege između društvenih i kulturnih procesa.

Conference Announcement: “Between Distant and Close Reading – Periodical Studies and Humanities in the 21st Century”, October 27th, Institute for Literature and Art, Belgrade

We are delighted to invite you to the conference “Between Distant and Close Reading: Periodical Studies and Humanities in the 21st Century.” The event will be held in the Library of the Institute on October 27th. Building on the Agreement on Cooperation between the Institute and IULM University of Milan, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute and the European Society for Periodical Research, the conference is organized as a joint effort of the Department of Periodicals in the History of Serbian Literature and Culture (Institute for Literature and Art) and the IuPS Research Group on Periodical Studies (IULM University of Milan).

Featuring distinguished scholars in literary, film, and cultural studies, as well as early career researchers, we are enthusiastic about discussing how methodologies of reading and interpretation applied in periodicals studies, including both digital and traditional approaches, impact the very notion of the humanities. The aim is to explore how periodical studies enhance our skills in critical reading, with a specific focus on how they have transformed our understanding of our disciplines and the intersection between society and culture.

Izvor, program skupa, knjiga sažetaka:
