Black Wave to White Ray: Yugoslav Film of the 1960s (MoMA, Sep 7–21, 2023)

U Muzeju moderne umjetnosti u New Yorku bit će prikazan od 7. do 21. rujna 2023. tematski ciklus o jugoslavenskom filmu 1960-ih godina.

Black Wave to White Ray

Yugoslav Film of the 1960s

Sep 7–21, 2023


When the critic Vladimir Jovičić coined the term “Black Wave” in 1969, he meant it as a dismissive nickname for a Yugoslavian national cinema that had become, in his opinion, unhealthily fixated on the dark side of human experience. Filmmakers such as Dušan Makavejev, Aleksandar Petrović, and Živojin Pavlović dealt with once-taboo topics like sex, war, and social alienation with a distinctive dark humor and brilliant formal invention. Although many of these films were banned or censored by the country’s socialist government, they attracted enough international attention to achieve a measure of freedom unthinkable in the other Eastern Bloc countries. Unfortunately, many of these films disappeared from distribution when the national government collapsed amid the civil wars of the 1990s. This 15-film program is a preliminary attempt to reclaim some of that lost work, as selected by film historian Mina Radovic with the gracious cooperation of the Yugoslav Cinematheque and Delta Video of Belgrade, the Croatian State Archives – Croatian Cinematheque, the Slovenian Film Centre, Cinematheque of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Cinematheque of North Macedonia.


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