CEU students, alumni and professors from Croatia, who support their alma mater

U nastavku prenosimo obavijest i pismo potpore brojnih bivših studenata i profesora CEU-a (Central European University, Budimpešta) iz Hrvatske.





Zagreb, 2. travnja 2017.


Predmet: priopćenje za javnost povodom potpore hrvatskih studenata i profesora sveučilištu

Central European University u Budimpešti


U srijedu, 28. ožujka 2017., mađarska je vlada predložila amandmane Nacionalnog zakona

o visokom školstvu koji su ušli u hitnu proceduru parlamentarne rasprave (za ponedjeljak 3.

travnja) kako bi isti bili što prije izglasani (već u utorak 4. travnja). Njime bi se od sljedeće

godine međunarodnom sveučilištu Central European University (dalje CEU) u Budimpešti

onemogućio daljnji rad jer ono ne bi moglo ispunjavati nove tražene uvjete za koje postoji

opravdana sumnja da su direktno usmjereni protiv opstanka ovog i drugih međunarodnih

sveučilišta na teritoriju Republike Mađarske.


Malobrojni domaći mediji (Index.hr, narod.hr, advance.hr) koji su popratili ovu vijest

uglavnom su se usredotočili na činjenicu da je sveučilište 1991. godine osnovao američki

milijarder mađarskog podrijetla George Soros te da je sveučilište kolateralna žrtva napada

mađarskog premijera Viktora Orbana na Sorosa, odnosno da se radi o srazu dviju

suprotstavljenih političkih ideologija. U svemu tome potpuno se zaboravlja – ili se nedostatno

govori – o samome sveučilištu, kao i o tome što bi ne samo Republika Mađarska, nego i

cijela srednjoistočna Europa kao i brojni znanstvenici u svijetu koji se bave ovom regijom

izgubili njegovim gašenjem.


CEU je najbolje svjetski rangirano sveučilište srednjoistočne Europe u disciplinama koje

pokriva (društvene i humanističke znanosti). Na njemu su se obrazovali ili predavali brojni

znanstvenici, gospodarstvenici, političari i razne struke iz Hrvatske i drugih zemalja, tj. čitava

plejada ljudi različitih nacionalnosti, religija i političkih uvjerenja (npr. sam glasnogovornik

trenutno vladajuće Fidesz stranke, Zoltan Kovacs, na CEU-u je doktorirao 2002. godine, a

od hrvatskih znanstvenika, primjerice, prof. dr. sc. Ivo Banac ondje je držao Katedru za

jugoistočnu Europu od 1994. do 1999. godine).


Glavna je značajka CEU-a oduvijek bila akademska sloboda, potom akademska izvrsnost te

poticanje pluralizma. Načela njegove misije izrijekom uključuju “traganje za istinom u kojem

god ona smjeru vodila, poštivanje različitosti kultura i naroda, te predanost da se razlike [u

mišljenju] rješavaju debatom, a ne poricanjem”. Budući da ove vrijednosti zajedno s visokim

znanstveno-istraživačkim kriterijima nisu samo nominalno proklamirane na CEU-u, već su i u

potpunosti provođene u praksi, oko 150 hrvatskih studenata, sadašnjih i bivših, profesora,

korisnika CEU istraživačke infrastrukture (iznimno bogate knjižnice), projektnih suradnika te

ostalih simpatizera sastavilo je zajedničko pismo u kojem daju bezuvjetnu potporu ostanku

CEU-a u Budimpešti i koje su naslovili na mađarskog ministra za ljudske kapacitete Zoltána

Baloga, ured premijera Viktora Orbana, mađarsko i američko veleposlanstvo u Zagrebu,

Europsku komisiju i Europski parlament.


Na ovaj način želimo pozvati medije da prikažu i našu stranu priče o CEU-u i o značenju

koje ono ima za hrvatske znanstvenike i stručnjake koji su ondje prošli znanstvenu formaciju.

U ovom našem nastojanju pozvali bismo i cijelu hrvatsku akademsku zajednicu da nam se

pridruži u davanju potpore opstanku ove jedinstvene institucije koja je kao malo koja druga

uvijek bila spremna dati priliku i surađivati s hrvatskim kandidatima, znanstvenicima i ostalim

stručnjacima na području društvenih i humanističkih znanosti.


150 bivših i sadašnjih studenata CEU-a te profesora koji podržavaju svoju alma mater





The Honorable József Zoltán Magyar, Magyarország Nagykövetsége Zágráb,


Dénes Sokcsevits, savjetnik u Odjelu za kulturu Mađarskog veleposlanstva,


Mađarska ambasada, konzulat i uredi u Hrvatskoj,


The Honorable Julieta Valls Noyes, U. S. Embassy in Croatia,


Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities, Hungary,


Viktor Orban, Prime Minister,


European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee Chairman, MEP Petra



European Commission, Vice President, Frans Timmermans,


European Commissioner, Tibor Navracsics.




CEU students, alumni and professors from Croatia, who support their alma mater


Zagreb, April 2, 2017


Dear Madam/Sir,


We are Croatian citizens, alumni and alumnae, professors and students of CEU, working in more than 20 academic institutions as well as across the civil and business sector in Croatia and abroad. We are writing to express solidarity with the Central European University and concern at proposed legislative changes to CEU’s status in Hungary. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities, including those in Hungary, to flourish.


CEU has played an enormous role in our lives and careers. It offered educational opportunities that exceeded those available in our own country — from well-equipped libraries to seminars and lectures taught by world-leading scholars. For us, CEU was and is the beacon of the humanistic tradition of liberal education. But its importance went beyond academic excellence; what mattered the most was its open and pluralistic academic and social approach. Our political affiliation, nationality, race or religion never had an impact on our treatment as students and colleagues; indeed we are of different nationalities and politically situated alongside the entire spectrum. The influence that CEU has exercised on academic and social life in all the post-communist countries is incomparable to any other academic institution.


But CEU also meant more than a place of study. We lived in Budapest for months or years. We have created strong connections not just with international students and staff at CEU but with Hungarians as well, from academics to those not affiliated with CEU or any other university. Some of us learnt or tried to learn Hungarian language. CEU may have meant more for Croatian-Hungarian academic (and much broader) relations than any other institution in recent history.


We respectfully urge the Government to withdraw the proposed legislative changes and enter consultations with CEU, bearing in mind the damage such legislation might cause to Hungary’s international academic reputation and to its standing within the international community of nations.


Yours sincerely,



CEU Institute for Advanced Study


Tatjana Buklijaš (Thyssen Senior Fellow, 2015-2016), Senior Research Fellow, Liggins Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand



CEU Department of History


Teodora Shek Brnardić (PhD 2004), Senior Research Fellow, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Nataša Štefanec (MA 1997, PhD 2004), Associate Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Damir Agičić (MA 1993), Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Domagoj Madunić (MA 2003, PhD 2012), Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Suzana Leček (MA 1994), Scientific Advisor, Croatian Institute of History, Department in Slavonski Brod

Mario Jareb (MA 1994), Scientific Advisor, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Valentina Gulin Zrnić (MA 1997), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb

Drago Roksandić (CEU Associate Recurrent Professor 1995-2002), Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Magdalena Najbar-Agičić (MA 1993), Assistant Professor, University North, Koprivnica, Croatia

Zoran Velagić (MA 1996, PhD 2003), Associate Professor, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek, Croatia

Dubravka Mlinarić (MA 1997) Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Croatia

Meri Kunčić (MA 2000), Research Associate, The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Zagreb

Sanda Kočevar (MA 1996), Senior Curator, Karlovac Town Museum, Croatia

Ivona Savić (MA 1999), Editor for History and Geography, Profil Klett d.o.o., Croatia

Maja Brkljačić (PhD 2009), Head of Educational Programs, Algebra, Croatia

Jelena Lakuš (MA 1998, PhD 2005), Associate Professor, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek, Croatia

Marko Zubak (PhD, 2013), Post-doc/Research Associate, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Ana Šilović (MA 1010)

Vedran Duančić (MA 2011)

Goran Miljan (MA 2009, PhD 2016) Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of History/The Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University

Lovro Kralj (MA 2015), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Stevo Đurašković (MA 2007), Assistant, Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb

Anita Buhin (MA 2012), PhD researcher, European University Institute, Florence

Saša Vejzagić (MA 2013), PhD researcher, European University Institute, Florence

Filip Novosel (MA 2012), Research Associate, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Juraj Balić (MA 2015), Research Associate, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Lana Krvopić (MA 2015)

Zrinko Novosel (MA 2015), External Associate, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Katarina Kraljić (MA 2012)

Ida Ljubić (MA 2006), History Teacher, Zagreb

Klara Volaric (MA 2014), Doctoral Candidate, Loughborough University, UK

Iva Jelušić (MA 2015), Doctoral candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Nikolina Rajković (MA 2012)

Arnela Alihodžić (MA 2002)

Tomislav Kevo (MA 2013)



CEU Department of Medieval Studies


Neven Budak (CEU Associate Professor 1995-2001), Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; Former Special Adviser for Research to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia; Former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Damir Karbić (MA 1994, PhD 2000), Research Coordinator, Head of the Department of Historical Research of the Institute of Historical and Social Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Gordan Ravančić (MA 1997), Senior Research Fellow, Assistant Director of the Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb, Croatia

Stanko Andrić (MA 1994, PhD 1998), Scientific Advisor, Croatian Institute of History, Head of the Department in Slavonski Brod

Ivan Jurković (MA 1995, PhD 2004), Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia

Borislav Grgin (MA 1994), Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Zoran Ladić (MA 1994; PhD 2002), Scientific Advisor, Department of Historical Research of the Institute of Historical and Social Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Castilia Manea-Grgin (MA 1994), Senior Research Fellow, “Ivo Pilar” Institute of Social Sciences

Rozana Vojvoda (MA 2001, PhD 2011), Museum of Modern Art, Dubrovnik

Marina Miladinov (MA 1996, PhD 2003), Protestant Theology Program, University of Zagreb

Lovro Kunčević (MA 2003, PhD 2012), Researcher, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik

Zrinka Nikolić Jakus (MA 1998, PhD 2004), Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Trpimir Vedriš (MA 2004, PhD 2014), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Irena Benyovsky Latin (MA 1995), Scientific Advisor, Medieval Department, Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb

Ana Marinković (MA 2001, PhD 2013), Research Associate, Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Robert Kurelić (MA 2005, PhD 2013), Postdoc, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia

Luka Špoljarić (MA 2008, PhD 2013), External Associate, Department of Classics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Kosana Jovanović (MA 2009, Medieval Studies), Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Rijeka

Vedran Bileta (MA 2010), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Mišo Petrović (MA 2015), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Kristian Bertović (MA 2014), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Josip Banić (MA 2016), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Igor Razum (MA 2014), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Matea Laginja (MA 2015), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Nirvana Silnović (MA 2014), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Ines Ivić (MA 2016), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Sara Katanec (MA 2014, Medieval Studies)

Antun Nekić (MA 2015, Medieval Studies)

Marta Cuculić (MA 2014, Medieval Studies)

Franka Horvat (MA 2014, Medieval Studies)

Marija Krnić (MA 2014, Medieval Studies) PhD student, University of Warwick

Judita Uremović (MA 2016, Medieval Studies)

Davor Salihović (MA 2016, Medieval Studies)

Marino Kumir (MA 2016), Documentalist, Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments, Split

Mihaela Vučić (current MA student)

Ante Vučić (current MA student)

Tea Hlača (current MA student)

Sanja Fritz (MA, Medieval Studies)



CEU Department of Economics


Ivo Bičanić (Recurrent Visiting Professor 1995-2008; Professor at the CEU Center for Southeast European Studies from the establishment until 2008), Professor, Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Development, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

Matija Jancec (MA 2007), Economist Amazon

Vanja Malašić (MA 2009), Senior Adviser, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, Zagreb



CEU Department of Legal Studies


Dalida Rittossa (LL.M CCL 1999), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka

Vlatka Butorac Malnar (LL.M IBL 2001, S.J.D. 2005), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka

Davor Babić (LL.M 1999, Visiting Professor 2015-), Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Ivan Novosel (MA HR 2013), Director of Programs, Human Rights House Zagreb

Matija Miloš (LL.M CCL 2012), junior faculty member, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka



CEU Department of Political Science


Goran Čular (MA 1997), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Neven Petrović (PhD 2006), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, The University of Rijeka

Marko Grdešić (MA 2006), Assistant, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Ana Balković (MA 2014), Researcher, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Daniela Širinić (MA 2009, PhD 2016), Researcher, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Nikola Baketa (MA 2011), Researcher, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb

Marko Kovačić (MA 2011), Researcher, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb

Vjenceslav Rupčić (MA 2016)

Tamara Kolarić (MA 2009) Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Dijana Eraković (MA 2010) Doctoral Candidate, Philosophy Department, University of Rijeka

David Kukovec (MA 2016)

Leda Sutlović (MA 2008), PhD Student, University of Vienna

Melina Mohorić (MA, 2011)

Zorica Siročić (MA 2010), PhD Student, University of Graz

Ana Matan (MA, 1995) Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Marko Kukec (MA 2013), PhD Student, Humboldt University in Berlin

Milica Vučković (MA 2010) Teaching and Research Assistant, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb

Ela Genc (MA 2014), Marketing director, Splendor d.o.o, Zagreb

Sanja Badanjak (MA 2006), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Law, University of Edinburgh

Vedrana Baričević (MA 2007), Research Fellow, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb



CEU Department of International Relations


Avis Beneš (MA 1997, IRES), The Kosovo Specialist Chambers, The Hague, the Netherlands

Sarita Bukovčan (MA 1997, IRES), Line Manager, Site Acquisition, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Servisi d.o.o.

Sanja Hajdinjak (MA 2010) Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Tomislav Leko (MA 2014, IRES)

Antonia Banović (MA 2014, IRES), OuiShare



CEU School of Public Policy (incl. former Department of Public Policy)


Ana Laća (MA 2011) European Parliament, Bruxelles, Belgium

Željka Tutić (MA 2011) Ministry of Finance, Republic of Croatia

Mario Munta (MA 2014), Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Karlo Kostanjevec (MA 2014)

Valentina Jug (MPA 2016-2018)

Gorana Mišić (MA 2011) Doctoral Candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Branimir Đukić (MA 2016)

Andrija Višić (MA 2015), Vaccines Europe, Brussels



CEU Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology


Drago Župarić-Iljić (MA 2007), Research Associate, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Croatia

Mihaela Bogeljić (MA 2010), Campaigner & Communications Officer, Greenpeace Croatia

Dona Danon (MA 2006), independent researcher and journalist at Ha-Kol, Jewish Minority Newsletter in Croatia.

Dražen Cepić (MA 2008), Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Zadar, Croatia



CEU Department of Gender Studies


Sandra Prlenda Perkovac (MA 1999 Department of History), Doctoral candidate, Central European University, Budapest

Josip Šipić (2005), Researcher, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb

Tihana Bertek (MA 2014)

Maja Gergorić (MA 2014), Program coordinator at Youth Organisation Status:M, Zagreb

Jana Kujundžić (MA 2014), Program coordinator at NGO Brave Phone, Zagreb

Tom Novak (MA 2008)

Milja Špoljar (MA 2008)



CEU Department of Philosophy


Ksenija Puškarić (PhD 2010), Post-doctoral fellow, Seton Hall University, USA

Daria Vitasović (MA 2015), Doctoral candidate, Centre for Philosophy of Time, Universita degli studi di Milano

Nino Kadić (MA 2016)



CEU Nationalism Studies Program


Jelena Mitrović (MA 2008), Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka,

Petra Jurlina (MA 2008, Nationalism Studies/Jewish Studies)

Viktor Ivanković (MA 2013), Doctoral Candidate at DSPS, Central European University



CEU Business School


Rasti Nikolić (BUS 2013) Washington DC Chapter Leader



CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy


Antonia Bebić (MA 2016)



CEU Fellows, CEU Library Users, CEU Project Collaborators


Marija Karbić, Senior Research Fellow, Croatian Institute of History, Department of History of Slavonia, Syrmia and Baranya, Slavonski Brod

Suzana Miljan, Researcher, PhD, Department of Historical Research of the Institute of Historical and Social Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Željko Dugac, Scientific Adviser, Institute of History and Philosophy of Science, Department for the History of Medicine, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Snježana Koren, Research Fellow, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Zrinka Blažević, Associate Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Ivana Horbec, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Tvrtko Jakovina, Full Professor, History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Zdenka Janeković Römer, Scientific Adviser, Institute of Historical Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dubrovnik

Ljiljana Dobrovšak, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar”

Marko Jerković, PhD, Senior Assistant, University of Zagreb – University Department for Croatian Studies

Robert Skenderović, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Nenad Vekarić, PhD, Full member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dubrovnik, Scientific Adviser, Institute of Historical Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dubrovnik

Ivana Lazarević, PhD, Research Fellow, Institute of Historical Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dubrovnik

Irena Ipšić, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia


