Public lecture: Finding women in the Non-Aligned Movement – biographical and intersectional perspectives

Dr. Chiara Bonfiglioli, University College Cork & University of Graz: Finding women in the Non-Aligned Movement – biographical and intersectional perspectives

This lecture by Dr. Chiara Bonfiglioli is kindly supported by the Elisabeth List Fellowship Program “Women’s and gender history in Southeast Europe in the 20th Century” and chaired by Prof.  Libora Oates-Indruchová, University of Graz. Based on Dr. Bonfiglioli’s recently awarded ERC Consolidator 2022 project WO-NAM: Women and Non-Alignment in the Cold War era: biographical and intersectional perspectives, her talk outlines how crucial insights into the history of women’s participation in the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War era can be gained through studying the roles of female leaders, women’s movements and organizations.

Bringing together women’s and gender history, global history, and intellectual history, Dr. Bonfiglioli explores the role of female activists and leaders within the Non-Aligned Movement, investigating how women’s organizations contributed to nation-building, modernization, and development in their respective Non-Aligned countries as well as the significance of the Non-Aligned Movement in transnational Cold War debates on women’s rights. How did women’s internationalism within the Non-Aligned Movement contribute to an intersectional vision of women’s rights, which viewed women’s oppression as inseparable from wider global inequalities?

26.05.2023 16:00 – 17:30


Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien


Location: Room LS.15.01 (Ground floor, Section C of the RESOWI building, Universitätsstraße 15)
