Conference „Saints and the Supernatural in the Middle Ages and Beyond“

Na međunarodnoj konferenciji u čast Gábora Klaniczaya koja će se održati od 17. do 19. svibnja 2023. u Budimpešti sudjeluju i Ines Ivić, Stanko Andrić, Ana Marinković, Marina Schumann, Trpimir Vedriš.

Prof. Gábor Klaniczay’s (CEU, DI) 70th birthday was meant to be honored by a medievalist conference, but it could not happen in that year due to the pandemic. It is going to take place, however, on May 17-19, 2023 at ELTE and at CEU. The conference is organized by the Department of Medieval History of Eötvös Loránd University, the Hungarian Association for Hagiography, and the Medieval Central European Research Network (MECERN).

Click here for the full program of the three-day conference.
