H-Soz-Kult / Conference Report: Empire of Circulation. Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings

U nastavku upućujemo na tekst Lucije Bakšić i Franza L. Fillafera o ljetnoj školi „Empire of Circulation: Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings“ održanoj u Beču od 3. do 6. listopada 2022. na kojoj su uz Luciju Bakšić sudjelovali, među ostalim, Lea Horvat i Zrinko Novosel.

„Promising fresh insights on minor individuals and major empires alike, global history is an approach that is nowadays fiercely debated within the academic community due to its methodological flexibility and emphasis on inter-regional entanglements that goes beyond comparative and transnational history. The international summer school “Empire of Circulation” sought to re-insert Habsburg Central European history into global history by way of interrogating the key premises that inform both research agendas. In what was a very fruitful and stimulating event, junior and senior academics from across Europe and the U.S. gathered under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences at Vienna to discuss the promise and pitfalls of the paradigm of circulation.“

Tagungsbericht: Empire of Circulation. Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings, In: H-Soz-Kult, 05.04.2023, <www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-135290>.
