Inaugural Borka Tomljenović Lecture. Returning to the Groove of History

Robert D. Kaplan, Robert Strausz-Hupé Chair in Geopolitics, Foreign Policy Research Institute

In the years prior to World War I, the great American historian Henry Adams wrote that Russia would always remain the principal challenge for Europe. A quick romp through history demonstrating why that has proved accurate. As for the Ukraine war, it has culminated the second phase of globalization, what I call Globalization 2.0 and will be juxtaposed with Globalization 1.0. Moving to China, the new Cold War between China and the United States will be a permanent feature of the international landscape for reasons that involve geography, military affairs, cyber wars, ideology and trade, all of which I will explain in detail. At the end of my talk, I will have a few words to say about two of my books: Balkan Ghosts and Adriatic.

Robert D. Kaplan is the bestselling author of twenty books on foreign affairs and travel translated into many languages, including Adriatic, The Good American, The Revenge of Geography, Asia’s Cauldron, Monsoon, The Coming Anarchy, and Balkan Ghosts. He holds the Robert Strausz-Hupé Chair in Geopolitics at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. For three decades he reported on foreign affairs for The Atlantic. He was a member of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board and the U.S. Navy’s Executive Panel. Foreign Policy magazine twice named him one of the world’s “Top 100 Global Thinkers.”

Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

University of Michigan

Friday, October 7, 2022

5:00-6:30 PM

Room 1040 LSA Building

Predavanje Roberta D. Kaplana: Vraċanje u kolosijek historije

Na Univerzitetu u Mičigenu, pri u Centru za ruske, istočnoevropske i istočnoazijske studije (CREES), ustanovljena je fondacija “Borka Tomljenovic Southeast European Peace, Cooperation, and Conflict Fund”. Fondacija će povremeno organizirati predavanja, prikazivati filmove i slično o Jugoslaviji, a glavni cilj je objašnjavati geopolitičke, nacionalne, i kulturne razloge za stvaranje i razaranje Jugoslavije.

Fondaciju je osnovala Katarina Tomljenović Borer (rođena u Tuzli 1940), penzionirana profesorica sa Univerziteta u Mičigenu, kćerka Borke Tomljenović. Inače, Borka Tomljenović je rođena Zeničanka. Od 1940. do 1962. živjela u Zagrebu, gdje je jedno vrijeme radila kao profesor engleskog jezika na Sveučilištu. Od 1962. do 1992. je živjela u Beogradu, kada je odselila u SAD gdje je umrla 2021. u 104. godini života. Napisala nekoliko je knjiga na engleskom (Bosnian Counterpoint, Remembrances of Vanished Yugoslavia, Part 1: Bosnia 1917-1941., Neither on the Earth nor in the Sky i Requiem for Yugoslavia). O životu Borke Tomljenović više informacija se može naći na ovom linku.

Prvo inauguralno predavanje u okviru ove Fondacije, naslovljeno „Returning to the Groove of History“ (“Vraċanje u kolosijek historije”) održat će prof. Robert D. Kaplan.

Predavanje će biti 7. oktobra 2022. u 17:00 sati po američkom, odnosno u 21:00 sat po srednjoevropskom vremenu. Predavanje će se moći pratiti i na platformi ZOOM, uz prethodnu registraciju. Više informacija ovdje, gdje se može naći i link za registraciju.

