Summer School “Empire of Circulation: Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings”

U Beču se od 3. do 6. listopada 2022. održava ljetna škola „Empire of Circulation: Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings“ na kojoj sudjeluju, uz ostale, Zrinko Novosel, Lea Horvat, Lucija Bakšić.

Placing Habsburg knowledge production from the 17th to the 20th centuries afresh in its global settings, this event will serve as a platform for doctoral, post-doctoral and senior researchers who specialise in Habsburg history, the history of science, scholarship and intellectual culture. Our event will allot a special place to Bohemia and its role as an interface between the regions of the Empire and as a switchboard between Central Europe and the globe.

[This event is not open to the public.]

Time: 3–6 October 2022
Location: OeAW, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, Johannessaal
Audience: Doctoral and Postdoctoral researchers
Conference languages: English and German
Organizers: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Johann Gottfried Herder-Research Council in cooperation with the Humboldt University Berlin (HU)

Application: Abstract of your contribution/research project (250-300 words) and a brief CV (preferably as PDF) to summerschool(at)
Deadline for submissions: 13 March 2022

Click here for the full CfP


Image: A Viennese fan from Hieronymus Löschenkohl’s factory depicts a Moroccan triptych: a Habsburg envoy at the Moroccan court, the pasha of Tangiers as ambassador before Joseph II in 1783, and the ambassador’s return to the seraglio.  Wien Museum
