CfP: The Transnational History and Memory of WWII in Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia and the Northern Adriatic – deadline extended

With this call for papers, we invite submissions dealing with the transnational history and memory of marginalized and forgotten sites in Southeastern Europe where genocide and systematic murder took place during the Second World War. For project-related reasons, the geographical focus is on the territory of what was once called the “Independent State of Croatia”, Dalmatia, the territories of Slovenia annexed by Germany, Italy and Hungary as well as the Italian, Slovenian, and Croatian territories on the Northern Adriatic, which were under fascist Italian control from 1941 and formed the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral when Nazi Germany took control from September 10, 1943, onwards.

How to apply

The call for papers is open to applicants residing in the Member States of the European Union whether they are in the early stages of their doctoral studies or are already senior scholars. We welcome multidisciplinary approaches as well as approaches from the disciplines of history, anthropology, cultural studies, social sciences and arts.

The deadline for applications is: October 1st, 2022. / We have now moved the deadline to 15th October 2022.

To apply, please send a short CV and an abstract of the proposed research paper (length 1000 words) in English to: and

Successful applicants (approx. 15) will be invited to present their research at an international conference to be held in Regensburg. Germany, in 2023, and will contribute to an English language edited volume scheduled for publication the following year.
