Research Network “Queer contemporary history in German-speaking Europe”

The DFG-funded research network “queer contemporary history in German-speaking Europe” introduces a general audience to the history of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and intersexual persons (LGBTI) in the Federal Republic, the GDR, Austria and Switzerland. How have discourses, practices and subjectivities changed since 1945? How have non-normative sexualities and genders shaped the production of societal norms? In addressing these questions the project pays particular attention to the politics of memory, to critical re-evaluations of identity categories and to intersectional entanglements between hetero-sexist, classist, racist and other forms of discrimination. While examining liberalisation, emancipation and normalisiation from a queer angle, the project also devises fresh approaches to contemporary history more broadly. In an accessible format, three volumes on spaces, identifications and political strategies respectively will discuss inspiring research on recent queer history.

The DFG network is administratively located within the working group for History Education at Freie Universität Berlin.

The academic coordinators are Benno Gammerl (European University Institute Florence), Martin Lücke (Freie Universität Berlin), and Andrea Rottmann (Freie Universität Berlin) who are supported by Vanessa Kyrion and Jonah Reimann.

New project on queer pasts to diversify our history
