15th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (Zagreb, July 11-15, 2022)

Kongres Međunarodnog udruženja za osmansku socijalnu i ekonomsku povijest – International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH) održat će se na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu od 11. do 14. srpnja 2022.


The International Association for Ottoman Social and Economic History organizes every three years since 1977 an International Congress, which has become a major academic and reunion event for Ottomanists worldwide.

The main objective of the International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History organised by our Association is to provide a scientific platform for the international community of Ottomanists to exchange the results of current research and discuss the historiography, contributing to professional collaboration and solidarity in the field of Ottoman Studies.


ICOSEH-15, Zagreb, July 11-15, 2022


