South-East European History

Editors: Mihai Dragnea

This series is published in conjunction with the Balkan History Association (BHA) and comprises original, high-quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary comparative study of South-East Europe from ancient to contemporary times. It welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and short form publications between 30,000 to 50,000 words (Peter Lang Prompts) on various sub-disciplines of history—political, cultural, military, economic, urban, literary, oral, or the history of science communication—art history, history of religions and archaeology.

Series Editor: Mihai Dragnea (University of South-Eastern Norway)

Editorial Board: Dan Dana (French National Centre for Scientific Research), Valeria Fol (Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Adrian Ioniță (Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy), Zoran Ladić (Institute for Historical and Social Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Marco Cassioli (University of Aix-Marseille), Ivan Biliarsky (Institute of Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Alice Isabella Sullivan (Tufts University), Mihai-D. Grigore (Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz), Colin Heywood (University of Hull), Gábor Kármán (RCH Institute of History, Budapest), Nathalie Clayer (Center for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan, and Central Asian Studies, Paris), Hans-Christian Maner (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), Katrin Boeckh (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg), Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier University), and Irina Livezeanu (University of Pittsburgh).

Proposals should be sent to series editor Mihai Dragnea at
