The Routledge Handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300

Edited by Florin Curta

Objavljen je 2021. godine zbornik “The Routledge Handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300” koji je uredio Florin Curta. Autori radova u zborniku su, među ostalima, Mirjana Matijević Sokol, Danijel Džino i dr.

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1300 is the first of its kind to provide a point of reference for the history of the whole of Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages.

While historians have recognized the importance of integrating the eastern part of the European continent into surveys of the Middle Ages, few have actually paid attention to the region, its specific features, problems of chronology and historiography. This vast region represents more than two-thirds of the European continent, but its history in general—and its medieval history in particular—is poorly known. This book covers the history of the whole region, from the Balkans to the Carpathian Basin, and the Bohemian Forest to the Finnish Bay. It provides an overview of the current state of research and a route map for navigating an abundant historiography available in more than ten different languages. Chapters cover topics as diverse as religion, architecture, art, state formation, migration, law, trade and the experiences of women and children.

This book is an essential reference for scholars and students of medieval history, as well as those interested in the history of Central and Eastern Europe.

Table of Contents


Florin Curta

1. Situating medieval Eastern Europe: historiography and discontent

Christian Raffensperger

2. Between migration and origo gentis: population movements

Danijel Džino

3. Steppe empires without emperors: Avars, Bulgars and Khazars

Evgenia Komatarova-Balinova

4. Medieval nomadism

Aleksander Paroń

5. Early conversion to Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Maddalena Betti

6. Conversion to Christianization: Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and Rus’ (9th to 12th centuries)

Ivo Štefan

7. State formation in the 10th century

David Kalhous

8. Strongholds and early medieval states

Hajnalka Herold

9. The rise of the early medieval aristocracy

Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu

10. Rulers between ideal and reality

Dušan Zupka

11. Royal governments

Adrien Quéret-Podesta

12. Rural economy

Marek Hladík

13. Crafts, coins and trade (900-1300)

Dariusz Adamczyk

14. Towns and cities

Laurențiu Rădvan

15. Lords, peasants and slaves

Cameron Sutt

16. Women and children

Sébastien Rossignol

17. Jews, Armenians and Muslims

Boris Stojkovski

18. Church organization

Dariusz Andrzej Sikorski

19. Saints and relics

Paweł Figurski and Grzegorz Pac

20. Heresy and popular religion

Kirił Marinow and Jan Mikołaj Wolski

21. Crusades and Eastern Europe

Aleksandar Uzelac

22. The Baltic Crusades (1147-1300)

Gregory Leighton

23. Political and practical literacy

Mirjana Matijević Sokol

24. Law

Ivan Alexandrov Biliarsky

25. History writing

Timofei V. Guimon and Aleksei S. Shchavelev

26. Hagiography

Stefan Rohdewald

27. Monumental architecture

Alice Isabella Sullivan

28. Monumental art

Maria Alessia Rossi

29 New powers – Serbia, Bulgaria

Francesco Dall’Aglio

30. The Mongols in Eastern Europe

Roman Hautala



Florin Curta is Professor of Medieval History and Archaeology at the University of Florida, USA. His books include Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1250 (2006); The Making of the Slavs: History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube, ca. 500–700 (2011), which received the Herbert Baxter Adams Award of the American Historical Association; The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, c. 500 to 1050: The Early Middle Ages (2011); Slavs in the Making: History, Linguistics and Archaeology in Eastern Europe (c. 500 to c. 700) (2021); and The Long Sixth Century in Eastern Europe (2021).

Published November 30, 2021 by Routledge

606 Pages 29 B/W Illustrations
