Međunarodna konferencija “Otkrivanje Dalmacije VII”

Priče o putovanjima: Grand tour, putnici, itinerari, putopisi

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Srijeda, 8. prosinca

Centar Cvito Fisković
18.00 – 20.00

Četvrtak, 9. prosinca

9.30 – 10.00

1. sesija, moderator Mirko Sardelić

10.00 – 10.20
Dealing with Bandits in Early Modern Travelogues: Mobility and Brigandage on the Land Routes in the Adriatic and Black Sea Regions
Alexandr Osipian

10.20 – 10.40
The Urban Form of Dubrovnik as Seen by Pilgrims and Travellers
Vedran Stojanović

10.40 – 11.00
Pieter Coecke van Aelst on the Dubrovnik Caravan Route
David Kabalin

11.00 – 11.40
Rasprava – stanka za kavu

11.40 – 12.00
Pierre Lescalopier’s Diary (1574) from the Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine
Helena Belamarić

12.00 – 12.20
Fra Paul Pelizzer and Dalmatia in the 17th Century
Ivan Alduk

12.20 – 12.40
Discovering Wallachia Through the Eyes of Foreign Travellers in the 17th Century
Daniela Calciu

12.40 – 14.00
Rasprava – stanka

2. sesija, moderator Colin Thom

14.00 – 14.20
Sir John Soane’s Lecture Drawings: A Virtual Grand Tour
Frances Sands

14.20 – 14.40
Souvenirs d’un Voyage en Dalmatie (1811?): Travel, Ethnography and Empire in the Early Nineteenth-Century Adriatic
David McCallam

14.40 – 15.00

15.00 – 15.20
The Amphitheater of Dyrrachium – A Landmark on the Route From Rome to Byzantium
Dominik Lengyel and Catherine Toulouse

15.20 – 15.40
Rome and Pompeii — Two Main Grand Tour Sites in the Collection of the Department of Prints and Drawings of the CASA
Ana Petković Basletić

15.40 – 16.00
The Works of Adam, Clérisseau, and Cassas in a Photographer’s Research: Deconstructing Nenad Gattin’s Portrait of Diocletian’s Palace
Ana Šverko

16.00 – 16.20

Petak, 10. prosinca

3. sesija, moderatorica Ana Šverko

10.00 – 10.20
British Travellers in Dalmatia During the 19th Century: Themes and Perspectives
Mateo Bratanić

10.20 – 10.40
Journeys across Land and Sea: Mediterranean Itineraries Described in the Arabic Travel Literature of the Nineteenth and Early Twenty Centuries
Joanna Musiatewicz

10.40 – 11.00
The Balkan Letters by Erno Foerk. A Travelogue Mapping the Architectural Trajectories of Ottoman Heritage
Eszter Baldavári and Boris Dundović

11.00 – 11.40
Rasprava – stanka za kavu

4. sesija, moderatorica Elke Katharina Wittich

11.40 – 12.00
Travels or Expeditions? Bureaucratic Journeys in Early Habsburg Dalmatia
Konrad Clewing

12.00 – 12.20
Presenting Dalmatia: Emperor Francis Joseph I’s Travels Through Dalmatia in 1875
Sanja Žaja Vrbica

12.20 – 12.40
A Photographic Album with a Description of His Majesty Emperor and King Francis Joseph I’s Tour Through Dalmatia in 1875
Ante Orlović

12.40 – 13.10

Javno predavanje
13.10 – 14.00
Defining Borderlines of Power and Impact – Maps of the Former Habsburg Empire with a Focus on Dalmatia After 1918
Elke Katharina Wittich

Obilazak Dioklecijanove palače

Subota, 11. prosinca

5. sesija, moderatorica Katrina O’Loughlin

10.00 – 10.20
“It was difficult for me to part with Split…” Iso Kršnjavi’s journey to Dalmatia in 1900
Irena Kraševac

10.20 – 10.40
Ivan Meštrović and his reflections from his travels in the Middle East
Dalibor Prančević and Barbara Vujanović

10.40 – 11.00
To Narrate, Animate, Turn into Text –Photographs of Refugees in El Shatt from the Croatian State Archives
Sandra Križić Roban

11.00 – 11.40

11.40 – 14.00
Posjet Galeriji Meštrović

Javno predavanje, Centar Cvito Fisković
18.00 – 19.30
Unboxing Gattin
Irena Šimić and Ana Šverko

19.30 – 20.30
Završna svečanost

Ovogodišnji program obogatit će dva javna predavanja. Elke Katharina Wittich će predstaviti svoje istraživanje mapa Habsburške monarhije s fokusom na Dalmaciju nakon 1918. u povijesnom, gospodarskom i političkom kontekstu, dok će Irena Šimić i Ana Šverko predstaviti dosadašnji rad na uspostavi digitalnog arhiva fotografa Nenada Gattina.

Detaljni program sa sažecima izlaganja potražite ovdje.

