CfP “Narratology and its Discontents: Narrating Beyond Narration” (Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, 6th – 8th April 2017)

Narratology and its Discontents:  Narrating Beyond Narration


international conference


Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb


6th – 8th April 2017


The scope of this Conference is intended to represent a wide range of topics related to the study of logic and principles of narrative production, but also to “postclassical” narratology that goes beyond it’s structuralist background focusing on the ways that narrative structures our perception of social and cultural phenomena and helps us construct meaning in general.


We are interested in the contextuality of the modes of narrative representation, in its historicity, and in its pragmatic and artistic functions across different media.


Relevant is the philosophy of action in the theory of narrative, in the narrative as communication, in cross-cultural narration, in cognitive theory of narrative acts, and the concept of performativity in narratology connected to the embodied ways of knowing.


At stake is also narrative explanation in science and knowledge transfer in education, and in a whole range of other topics that transform narratological study into a plethora of different, often interdisciplinary, mixed-method research approaches.


Our special guest is a Dutch cultural theorist, critic, video artist and filmmaker. Mieke Bal. Hence, the motto of our conference is taken from Mieke Bal’s thesis on the use of narratology for cultural analysis where she defines narrative as a cultural attitude, and narratology as a perspective on culture.


“What I propose we are best off with in the age of cultural studies is a conception of narratology that implicates text and reading, subject and object, production and analysis, in the act of understanding. In other words, I advocate a narrative theory that enables the differentiation of the place of narrative in any cultural expression without privileging any medium, mode, or use; that differentiates its relative importance and the effect of the narrative (segments) on the remainder of the object as well as on the reader, listener, viewer. A theory, that is, which defines and describes narrativity, not narrative; not a genre or object but a cultural mode of expression.” (Bal, Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative Second Edition, 1997: 222)


Recommended topics include (but are not limited to) the following:


Classical and Postclassical Narratology

Narrating Film: Narration and Reconstruction of Subjectivity

Performing Narrative in Contemporary Performance Practice and in Daily Life

Narrative Performance and Its Aesthetics Beyond Mimetic Models: Unnatural Narratology

“Denarration” and Extreme Narration in Contemporary Drama and Fiction

Transmedial Storytelling

Narrative through Nonlinguistic Media

Narrative and Digital Media

Conversational Storytelling Orality and Narration

Cyberspace Textuality

Narration and Memory

Documentary Storytelling and its (Un)Reliable Narrators

Narrating Violence and Trauma

Visual narratives; Narrative in contemporary visual practice

The Fine Art of Storytelling and Narration in the Fine Art

Cross-cultural Narration and Migrating Selves

Narrative and Embodied Knowing in Dance and Performance

Narrative and Ideology

Political Narratives

Cognitive Narratology: Narrative Thinking, Stories and Minds

Narration in Science – Narration or Science?


Call for Proposals:



1. Standard Conference Presentations – 15 minutes presentations based on scientific research or practice-led theoretical research.


2. Art & science presentations with special preference for performative and conceptual artistic, new-media and mixed-media presentations, techno-art presentations and bio-art presentations. (Presentation materials need to be provided by presenters themselves)


Proposals for all formats need to be submitted by


Sunday February 5th 2017


(and will be answered by 6st March 2017)


All submissions will be subject to review.


Please, send your proposal in one (1) single document consisting of the following:


name and surname


university affiliation (if applicable)


proposed presentation title


a presentation abstract (max. 500 words, plus 5 keywords)


a short CV of the author  (max. 250 words)


Please ensure that you include your surname as the first word in the file name of the document you send.


Please do not send any additional documents beyond the material requested above.


Send your proposals at:


The conference is part of the multiannual project “How Practice-led Research in Artistic Performance Can Contribute to Croatian Science”, funded by Croatian Science Foundation
