Virtual ASN Webinar: Memory Wars: Contesting History Thirty Years after the Soviet Collapse

Virtual ASN is pleased to announce its upcoming webinar, Memory Wars: Contesting History Thirty Years after the Soviet Collapse. The panel will be held via Zoom on Thursday, September 30th from 1:00-2:30 PM ET (Eastern Time) / 7:00-8:30 PM CET (Central European Time).

Thirty years following the collapse of communist regimes in Europe and of the Soviet Union itself, competing, even conflicting accounts of history are a regular feature of nation building processes in Central and Eastern Europe. The resulting “memory wars” offer an opportunity to analyze the relationship between history and contemporary national identity building projects. This panel brings together four renowned scholars to explore how contested historical memory is impacting politics and nation building in the region and how past, present and future are tied to conflicts over memory politics.


Maria Mälksoo (U of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nikolay Koposov (Emory U, US)
Laure Neumayer (U de Picardie Jules Verne, France)

Moderator: Peter Rutland (Wesleyan U, US)

To join this Virtual ASN event on September 30th please register via the following link (you will be asked for your name, email address, and country of residence):

After you register, you will receive an email containing the link to the Zoom session on April 8thth. The link is unique and non-transferable. We recommend that you log in 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the session.

You will be able to use both the “Q&A” and “Chat” options in Zoom during the session. Please note that questions and comments can be viewed by all event participants.

If you experience technical problems in the registration process, or in accessing the Zoom session, please send an email to Virtual ASN at

Virtual ASN is a global online academic platform linking scholars, students, and members of the broader public interested in questions of nationalism and ethnicity with a regional focus on Europe and Eurasia. It provides opportunities for scholars to share knowledge and expertise on pressing issues, and to strengthen their own research and teaching skills. Virtual ASN brings together and fosters a worldwide community. From a Distance. Together.

Register below for Virtual ASN‘s upcoming webinar, held on Thursday, September 30th at 1:00pm ET/7:00pm CET.
