History Week 2021: FROM THE GROUND UP

S ciljem informiranja o tome kako izgledaju festivali povijesti diljem svijeta, upućujemo na “History Week” koji se od 4. do 12. rujna 2021. održava u Australiji (New South Wales). Opširnije u nastavku.

History Week 2021: FROM THE GROUND UP

4 – 12 September 2021  |  #HistoryWeek2021

We are excited to announce that the History Week theme for 2021 will be 


The HCNSW has chosen to go with the theme ‘From the Ground Up’ which was suggested by Mina Bui Jones from Addison Road Community Organisation, a valued member organisation. 

“What a great surprise our theme was chosen! We can’t wait to see how History Council members will engage with it. For us at Addi Road, a heritage site and community centre, ‘From the Ground Up’ is an inspiring and relevant theme for History Week this year. It’s a reminder of the importance of place and Country; of the fundamental connections between specific environments and human endeavours. But it also suggests people’s histories, local histories, community histories — stories from the streets and from the soil that provide the material and the momentum for the making of history.” Mina Bui Jones, Addison Road Community Organisation

We thank all who participated in our History Week 2021 Theme Competition. There were a variety of exceptional and diverse theme suggestions from our members.

What type of events can be staged in History Week 2021?

For History Week 2021 we ask our members to reflect on a period of tumult,  and answer the question: 

“What kind of histories do we most need in our world today to heal the past and usher in fresh hope and possibility for the future?”

We want you to tell History Week audiences how histories can ‘return to the roots’ to strengthen the way we connect and care for one another and our communities. You are encouraged to tell these stories through Histories of particular interest to you. We encourage variety and diversity.  You might ask yourself:

“What role might histories of place and environmental histories, social histories and ‘histories from below’ play in this process?”

Are they histories of place and environment such as local, public, urban, architectural or environmental history? Or perhaps your focus is people and you are drawn to family histories, Indigenous histories, fictional, cultural, social, medical or biographical history? We want you to re-think History from the Ground Up and present your ideas in History Week 2021.

What is History Week?

History Week is the annual, state-wide celebration of History organised by the History Council of New South Wales.

What happens in History Week?

Members apply through the HCNSW to host History events relating to the annual theme.  Previous events have included talks and lectures, ‘behind the scene tours’ and heritage trails, exhibitions and radio features, film festivals, open historic houses and gardens, book sales and launches.  Overall, there will be close to 100 events being staged throughout NSW in History Week 2021.

In 2021, History Week will be launched on Friday 3 September at the NSW Premier’s History Awards, an event run in partnership with the State Library of NSW.

A further feature event of History Week is the Annual History Lecture planned for the night of 7 September 2021. A list of past Annual History Lectures can be found here.

Programs / Awards and Prizes / Announcements:
